
Is it wrong for me to expect my wife (16 yrs) to look at herself and make a few changes while I do the same?

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Jealousy is starting to tear me up cause my wife is meeting lots of men at work who always pop up when were out and act like best friends. now when I'm not around shes bubbly, but when I'm around she acts like she doesn't know them. she tells me no man ever flirts with her or she never finds anyone attractive ever..I dont think shes cheating YET

but surly putting herself in a good spot. just enjoying the attention.i think I'm getting jealous cause she is neglecting s*x, time talk and we argue alot and she says really hatefull things. she says she does that cause I'm jelous and she hates it. I'm jealous cause shes doing that? is it me, her or both




  1. I think it's both of you. She is missing something in the relationship that's why she likes attention from other men. you shouldn't be jealous all the time. Y'all should talk to a marriage counselor.  

  2. Well, if she needs to seek confirmation of her worth from other men, it's because YOU aren't giving it to her!

    Try to curb the jealousy, and instead tell her how hot, beautiful, s**y and desirable she is. If you make her feel special, she won't need to feel that way from others.

  3. She maybe feeding off of your jealousy and subconsciously doing more of what you hate and off handedly telling you her experiences just to get a reaction out of you.  Maybe if you don't react so harshly she will stop and realize she can't feed the fire anymore.  And maybe then your silence will speak louder then words and she will realize how much she is hurting you.

    Also very important,without sounding religious, but being in church together and Bible study together really brings your relationship to a whole other level of intimacy with your spouse.  I know when my husband and I are on the same level spiritually we can relate alot better.

    I Hope Everything Works Out:)

  4. Expectations are hurting your relationship.  Nothing is wrong with being friendly, but the line is a hard and striaght one.  Believe in eachother.  Work on stregthening your relationship.  Counseling may be good to stregthen your marriage.

  5. your wife may need more attention and compliments from you.  if you are paying attention to her, she won't care what anyone else around her is doing.

    marriage is constant work

  6. Honestly, it's probably both of you.  I personally had been going through a very difficult time with my BF and I was sort of the same way.  I was terrified of our relationship ending so I start acting very rudely, not on purpose, but because I didn't want to get hurt.  I think she does enjoy the attention, as all women do, but you need to make sure that you give her all the attention she deserves.  That is what makes a person want to have friends of the opposite s*x.  Because they feel like they are getting something that they aren't getting at home.  BUT, that isn't always the case.  MAYBE, she doesn't want to be with you anymore and instead of telling you her issues, she is just acting out so you are the one to initiate the split.  Women are extremely complex and one thing to remember is that communication is always the key!  Talk to her, tell her how you feel, and that might solve some of the problems.  

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