
Is it wrong for me to keep a secret away from my parents?

by  |  earlier

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my parents think im a virgin when im not. should i tell them? Help




  1. That kid of a secret I dont think so I have Eye floaters and im not gonna tell my parents about it because they would be more stressed scince my little 6 y/o brother has low lvl austism.

  2. na.. let them find out for themselves

  3. At the very least you should get test for STDs. Then Wait till your married before you have s*x again.

  4. No you shouldn't. It will only complicate your life. They don't need to know.

  5. No-it's none of their business unless you need their consent for medical or insurance purposes. As long as you aren't pregnant-keep it discreet.

    Trust me, dear-  

    respect them enough that you don't tell all your secrets.

  6. don't tell them. especially if your muslim. theyll probably send you to a boarding school somewhere in a muslim country. thats what my parents threatned me if i asked someone out.

  7. Its really up to you if you want to tell them. If you decide not to tell them then try not getting caught it could make things worse. If you do decide to tell them then they are going to start worrying whenever your with a guy.

  8. Princess , did you not ask a question about being a muslim and you wanted a boyfriend ? Well , I see you already have one because you say you are not a virgin... Anyway , it's no one's business but yours.If you feel like telling your mom it's up to

  9. well if it was me to be honest i wouldnt tell my mouther do you think your gonna get in trouble

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