
Is it wrong for teens to walk around the house nude?

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Is it wrong for teens to walk around the house nude?




  1. Richard R.Pastars

    Families experiencing nudity together can be awesome.Society jumps to bad conclusions or pass judgement on family nudity.Body shame is nurtured in families that cover their nudity all the time.Society has given us the notion that nudity equals s*x.When one goes to the dermatologist to have a skin exam to check for skin cancer if you stay clothed how are they to check your skin?

  2. My 14uyear old son came home saying he had a pain in his testicles after falling in gym. He asked me to look at him. I of course wanted to take him to the doctor but he was against him getting that personal. He kept asking me to look or he just wont worry about it. I gave in and had him lay back on his bed nude from the waist down. I sat next to him. His p***s was hanging over his testes so I lifted it away as I felt his testes for lumps etc. His p***s got hard in my hand but I thought its only a reaction to being touched. Within minutes I saw that he was dripping pre ejaculate. Not wanting to embarrass him I didn't saw a word. I didn't find a thing wrong so I told him to get dressed. Oddly he stood up and took his time getting his shorts and pants as he kept me there talking. His erection didn't go down and I am thinking he faked all this to get me to see him and feel him. He's got his pubic hair already. I think he's sexually attracted to me.

  3. My son is 14. He has always liked to be nude at home. I'm a widow and he and I are the only ones here. Its becoming more and more embarrassing for me since he's had pubic hair and has grown to taller than me. I'm seeing a naked man now. I guess due to his age and hormones he's getting big erections spontaneously. If I'm talking to him face to face I cant stop looking. I notice if I'm wearing short shorts or a nightie or a bikini he follows me around. I think he has some attraction to me even though I'm his mom. I asked him a few times to put clothes on. He ignores me. I don't mind it but its making me tense at times.

  4.  It all depends on who and where you are. My family is nude all the time at home. Our family and friends always see us. My husband and I has 3 kids. 1 son and 2 daughters. Since birth we taught nudity has nothing to do with s*x. We all act normally naked. Yes the guys have hard ons,  but it is natural, just how we have our nipples hard. People are too engulf about s*x in America. In my family, it is all about being comfortable. Why should we hide and wear clothes? What is the point for me to get dress to walk around my house to later to take them off?

  5. This is a hard question for me to answer because I've seen what happens on both sides of the issue. I remember when I was younger doing this and seeing others do it. But as I get older most people consider you a pervert or pedo if you walk around nude in your house or enjoy watching girls do it. Yes you get sexually arroused and I truely believe that is why most girls I know do walk around nude. I get a hard one and want to give it to girls who walk around nude all the time. I mean if a 14 year old didn't want me to see her beautiful b*****s she'd keep them covered. Besides, let's face it, if you don't want to get laid you don't take the clothes off. I know tons of girls who walk around nude and they get laid by their father's, brothers, or some other family member. I know guys who visit family friends and their daughters or sons walk around nude and they have s*x with them. Some of the girls I know didn't understand way their fathers felt them up or why the guy next door wanted to have s*x with them. One of my female friends to this day doesn't understand why her father gets hard when she walks by him nude. When he feels her body she doesn't get what he wants and when I tell her she thinks I am sick. I think it's best to keep your clothes on because you can end up getting raped if you don't want to get laid. My cousins 12 year old daughter lost her cherry walking around nude. Now at the age of 13 she is a mother. Just because it's the privicy of your own home doesn't mean a thing. My cousin's daughter was in the privicy of her own home and she still got laid. The guy who did it was a family friend who she felt that she could do whatever around. It comes down to biology. Men want women. If we see a good looking girl with b*****s and want to s***w it then you shouldn't be suprised when we feel you up or grab you. The point of my story is if you have b*****s and between the ages of 12-100, then If you do want to get laid then continue walking around nude. I am sure your family member or some guy or girl will give it to you.

  6. yes god yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Im 16 and i do with my friends, im not g*y its just normal as we are all the same and there is nothing embarrising about it, but i dont in front of family members

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Richard R.Pastars


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