I'm 17 years old and practically all my life I’ve been attracted to older men and when I say older I mean at least a 6 years or more age difference (whether it be teachers, celebrities or friends of my older brother). I wouldn’t say it’s entirely based on physical appearance because I don't care much about that. Besides there’s plenty of attractive boys my age at my high school, but none of them really do anything for me. I have so far had a crush on only one boy in my school and that was based mostly because of his level of maturity and the fact that he was far more intelligent than most teens his age. Even when I was little, in Grade 3 when a boy my age gave me attention I would lie about the boy bullying me in order to seek the attention of my male teacher. My friends find my behaviour gross, inappropriate and believe it's just a mere phase because while most girls around my age are in love with the Jonas Brothers or Zac Efron I would pick men like Christian Bale or Edward Norton over them any day!
What do you think? Are my friends right? Is it gross, inappropriate and only a phase? Please give reasoning if you think so. And why is it only older men? Thanks in advance!