
Is it wrong/insulting to refer to first graders as "little ones"?

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I teach second grade. Today while my class was in the hallway going to the bathroom a first grade class was walking past. A couple of my kids pushed pass the first graders so I told them to stop pushing and be careful not to hurt the little ones. Their teacher acted offended and said, "Don't call us (her class) little ones. We're almost in second grade".

I tried to apologize but she ignored me.




  1. Bummer, that teacher will remember that comment with you forever now. I don't think I would have said it since your class is almost the same exact age group as the other class....I could see if they were pre-k.....

  2. In front of them, yes, they are at an age where they want to be "big" kids, and are often told that they are big kids because they are no longer babies or even kindergartners. Maybe she was just telling them how big they were because of some accomplishment they achieved recently?

    While I do think that the other teacher definitely over-reacted, it would be better to refer to them as younger ones, not little ones when they could over hear you.

    When they are not around, it's not like you are calling them little b******s or something, it's OK.

  3. Yes it is insulting.  Would you like to be called a "little one" if you were among a group of teachers who had more time on the job than you?

  4. I call kids little ones all the time. Thats odd for her to react like that. Maybe she didn't want the class to think of them selfs as babies. That happens in some classes, the kids are so scared of the bigger kids because there babies. She may have struggled with this already and taught them they are not babies.

  5. Do you realize that her kids are a few months younger than yours?  Do you consider your kids "little ones?"

    I always call children of any age "ladies and gentlemen".  Children will act they way you treat them.  As a teacher, I am sure you have noticed this.  The other teacher probably is trying to prepare her students for next year and is starting to treat them a bit differently (not as many bathroom breaks, etc).  She is transitioning them and wants them to feel like they have accomplished something this year.

    It was a bit insensitve.  If I were you, I would go to her classroom and compliment the class on what "ladies and gentlemen" they were in the hallway, how they acted like such grownups.  This should endear you to both the teacher and the students (some of whom you may see in the fall in your room!)

    Good Luck!

  6. No, they are little ones!

    But then again so are second graders.

  7. I don't think so. I don't understand why she would be offended. I have four brothers and the two younger ones, ages 14 and 11, I still call the little ones. It's not an insult it's just referring. I wouldn't take it so hard.

  8. Well my son is 5 and he gets really mad if someone refers to him as "little" because he's a "big kid" now lol. So she was probably just trying to protect the kids' feelings. It wasn't wrong- just something to be sensitive with.

  9. That is a weird reaction for a teacher. I think they consider the kindergartners the little ones. I would just ignore her. She was probably not trying to be mean to you, but almost suck up to her kids in a way. I dont think its worth dealing with. Sounds kind of like she is jealous. Any backround?

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