
Is it wrong my parents do as I tell them?

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I get what I want all the time and my mother basically does everything I tell her to do.




  1. If your questioning it, doesn't that tell you that there is something wrong.  You sound like your proud of it though,.

  2. Your mother is doing you no favors. Children like you tend to get out into the real world, which is far less accomodating, and are highly unprepared for having to work for things, and for dealing with the disappointment of not getting what they want. That and they generally don't know how to treat people other than to demand things from them, and they don't understand when people get tired of being used and don't want anything to do with them anymore.

    Like the person above me, maybe some kids without real parenting aren't like this, but I have yet to come across them.

  3. Your spoiled and need to be brought down a peg or two. Your mother should be smacked for acting like that, I can't stand it when parents give their kids everything they ask for. The kids don't appreciate the things and are usually little brats.{Notice I said usually, I'm sure there are some kids who get everything and are very polite even though I have not met any yet}

  4. Do this...

    "Mom, Dad, I want to tattoo my name on my forehead." And if they agree to it, then you scream "What the h**l is wrong with you people?! You're my parents for God's sake! You're supposed to say "NO!" How am I ever supposed to learn right from wrong? You should be lucky I'm not some pregnant crack addict by now!"

  5. Yeah I agree w/ the poster above. Little too spoil it sounds like. I hope you thank and appreciate your mother for giving the things you want. What do you do in return??

    As a parent, of course I would want to give all the things I can give to my child but at the same time, I'm not going to spoil her rotten and have it her way all the time.

  6. your name is lilspoiledbrat

    why the h**l would you ask such a dumb question, you obviously know that your a needy unsustainable brat.

    why ask?

  7. maybe instead of telling them.. maybe you show them


    not telling your parents what to do try asking!!  

    Let them notice a change in you!

    cuz you are spoiled i know i'm the same way

    now i'm getting to close to 30 and my mom still does what i tell her to do some times she is more like a teenager fighting with me to follow up with her doctor!

    if your so proud of how you can do what you want then make it worth and and show them you can take this responsiblity to the next level!

    Good luck!  

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