
Is it wrong not to feel as excited about a second pregnancy?

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My son is now 4 which I really felt would be an only child, or would be 10 years old before I had another one. I had him at the age of 16 and had to finish high school and now am getting through college. I am in the middle of RN courses and I'm in my second year which is the worst year of them all. My fiance also just started his own business and it just feels wrong right now. I guess I am sort of in a depression, I'm only 8 weeks along right now, but I feel like such a bad person for thinking this way. I am I guess you can stressed out. Did anyone else feel this way? Does this go away? I really wish to be as excited as I was with my first pregnancy...




  1. I know exactly how you feel.  when I became prego with my second I didnt know what to do.  I didnt know if I could go threw that again.  not the pregnancy part, but the infant to toddler stage.  I was really very scared, then not to mention how would my daughter react to the baby.  Id say my daughter was very spoiled, well as much as I could on a lower income.  I really wasnt excited at all threw out the whole second pregnancy.  my son is now 6 months and some days can be tough but Im extremelt happy I went threw with it.  you will have your ups and downs, but you always find a way to get threw it.  Good Luck!

  2. It's totally normal to not feel as excited about the second pregnancy, especially when you have so much going on right now.  Your family appears to be under a considerable amount of stress between you and your fiance.  Also, you've been through this before, so you have a pretty good idea what you're in store for during the next nine/ten months and afterwards.  It can be daunting, and no matter how much you love your children, it's easy to wonder if you're up to the challenge.

    But just like you got through the craziness of life with your first, you will find a way to incorporate this new little one into your life and schedule.  And even if you feel overwhelmed, you will find many moments of enjoyment too that you wouldn't have wanted to miss.  You may not be as excited about the pregnancy, but you'll love your new baby just as much, and that is the most important thing, after all.

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