
Is it wrong not to go to work durring a hurricane? Live in Louisiana, need help...?

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I recently started a new job. One that I love! I work at a local vet's office, owned by two very nice people. The only issue is they live so close to the office, (as well as the other two employee's) they could walk to work in horrid wind and rain and make it there safe. I however, live about twenty minute's away. I told them when gustav looked to be heading this way, there was a chance that my fiance' and I would be going to stay with family due to the flooding and a few other issue's.

The whole problem is- even now they don't belive Gustav will come any where near us! But so many people are leaving the coast, so as a public service they are taking in any animal's for a small fee, we already have several from New Orlean's. If we do get hit, they will stay at the clinic. I have already been told come rain or shine, I need to be at work on Tuesday.

I feel really bad about going stay with family while my co-worker's go to work. I don't know if I should plan now to go or plan to leave with my fiance'. We are not in an evac zone.

I feel like my life is more important than my job.

But what would you do?




  1. life comes before job but you got to make shore you know how fare this hurricane is away from your house and your job if its fair distance away go to work but go to family right away when your shift is finished and if the hurricane gets close leave work ?

  2. They live close not you, you must take your safety in consideration. Don't worry about work, be with your family, because if something bad happens, I would rather be with my family then my employees. They can't fire you, if they do take it to court. I would not feel guilty at all. Your boss should understand as well.

  3. I wouldn't be going into work especially since you live 20min away and it probably wouldn't be the best idea to drive around in such a storm! You should go be with your family, who knows what is going to happen and where its going to hit noone can know that until it happens! Your life is much more important then even the best job in the world, so please take precaution and go be with your family. I hope you and your family stay safe. Good luck!

  4. You don't say where you live, but ask around to find out what happened during Katrina.   If Katrina afffected where you live it was probably the worst-case scenario and you can use the info to gauge the danger.  For example, Baton Rouge didn't even lose power for a whole day during Katrina, and parts of BR didn't lose power at all.

    Not all hurricanes are equal and not everywhere they affect is subjected to dongerous conditions.

    Good luck!  

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