
Is it wrong not to want to take drugs to help mental illness?

by Guest34357  |  earlier

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I've had depression/bipolar/anxiety's since thirteen,and i'm nineteen now. I've only once taken anti-depressants for about 2months and they were useless.I'm wondering if it is advisable to continue without them or to take pescription drugs.I know it's a personal choice but i'm very curious to hear other peoples opinions.Thanks in advance.




  1. I do believe that it's wrong not to take meds if they help you because you're not the only one affected. Your family suffers as does society in general. Just because your antidepressants didn't work doesn't mean that there aren't others that will help you. Please work with your dr. to find out what will help you the most. I wish you the very best as you work to balance your life.

  2. hm im going through this atm to, i am having a really bad depression atm and my doctor keeps recomedning ant depressants but it just kind of seems a last resort you know? then again, if it does help and it helps you live and enjoy life then i gues it is a good thing. its a tricky one though...if youve been suffering so long maybe they could help? i know my broher had to take them a good 3 months until he felt difference. the thing with them though is you have to take them for quite a long while, and slowly wean yourself of them

  3. I'm dealing with severe anxiety and am hoping to do so without medication, mostly because of my job restricting many medicines.  I don't think it's wrong, but it can be inadvisible if you don't think that other therapy will help, too.

  4. Well, I suppose I have to say it's healthy to not want to take drugs.

    But with the issues you have, I would recommend staying on the meds.  It's very common for those with bipolar disorder to "feel better", and decide they no longer need them.  Unfortunately, this almost always causes problems, because the meds take the symptoms away, but not the illness itself.  

    If you really want to get off them, ask your doctor about it.  He should be willing to at least help you work through a trial period, or to try reducing the dosage.  But please do this with your doctor's supervision.

  5. It takes about 2 months for the anti- depressents to start kicking in.  Ive had bipolar since i was 7 and they started me on anti-depressents like a year ago (useless doctors!), but everyones different.  Ive gone through 5 different medications because some dont work.  I take flurox, which isnt that bad but ive taken others that worked for others but made me depressed and suicidal.  Dont stop taking them coz your not ment to just stop because it can do something to you i dont know.  Talk to a doctor about different medication and they might give you something better... yeah... this is your choice though, but dont just stop taking your medication because like i said... it does something to you... might make you more depressed...?!?


  6. Boy thats a hard question. If  you do not take them you are looking even worse to the people, overall however I am aware that these drugs do not do anything to help or cure your underlying problem. Most people say take them, but then they think it makes you okay and it absolutely does not I don't know go with what you think and what they do to you as in how you feel when you are on them

  7. I stopped taking my psych meds more than once and ended up in the psych ward. They probably work, and you won't realize it until you go into with drawl. If you can handle you symptoms with meds then talk it over with your doctor and therapist.

  8. My opinion:

    I find prescribed pills toxic to your brain.

    Ever since I've been taking bullsh*t prescribed pills, I've been having anger outbursts all of a sudden, more mood swings, & no motivation. Does it sound like it helps me? No. But try to give it more time, it's sounds like you had despression for a long time.

    But I agree with you, they're useless.

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