
Is it wrong of me to want to hug all of you?

by Guest64243  |  earlier

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Is it wrong of me to want to hug all of you?




  1. Depends on what your intentions are, buddy! ;)

  2. Wow ...I thought you'd never ask!

  3. Love is the answer :-)

  4. <(^.^)>

  5. :o


  6. Well if something special just happened to you than no but otherwise yes.

  7. of course not

    on facebook there's an application you can add and hug everyone that has the app, i do that lol

  8. No, I am waiting with open arms.

  9. I only hug my friends o.O.

  10. yes

  11. does this mean that you like our answers?

    Thank you!

    I hug you to!

  12. Gee, you sound so nice but I don't like when strangers invade my "space".  Nothing wrong with hugging those you love though!

  13. NO!!! =)

  14. Yes. I am now afraid of you.

  15. Since this was in the Etiquette section I will answer it accordingly.  If you walk into a room full of close friends and family members I would say it is not "wrong".  Now, If you walk into a room of 100 strangers, that is weird, would take a long time and many people would probably not like it.  If you are talking about hugging everyone on Yahoo answers, again, that is indeed weird, although sweet of you, but highly improbable don't ya think?

  16. not at all, i have those urges all the time. it's perfectly normal. at least for me. =P

  17. no, not really.

    watch this, a lot of people do it:

    I actually hugged someone with a sign like that in amsterdam :) had nice aftershave that guy :P

  18. As long as you don't have the infamous BBBB OOOO.,..

  19. Ha Ha.. Yes...

  20. It is nice that you feel warmly toward us questioners and answerers.  Now in real life, do not hug someone you don't know well.  Especially a woman.  Some people can't stand to be touched.  This doesn't necessarily mean that they have been abused, etc., but you have to go slowly to show this sort of affection.  If they cringe when you touch their arm, no hugs.

  21. I hope not. Cuz i wanna hug you too.

  22. no but its a little weird.

  23. Love makes the world go round!  Pay forward!

  24. if your extremely happy no


  25. Yes it is wrong, unless your g*y! I'm a guy, so don't hug me! >:(

  26. yea it rong because we dont know you unless some people here r family members from u or friends from u or they know u, dont hug strangers.

  27. No!

    What kind of sad individual doesn't enjoy a hug???


  28. thanks for the 2 points

    and yes its wrong.,

  29. I'd always like a nice warming hug..Even from a stranger. It shows the world is completely a failure...


  30. What the he!l? hug who? nah, its cool 1 luv broda

  31. No, Just don't act g*y if your not. If you are, than still do!! I don't think its wrong, I would hug you!

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