
Is it wrong of me to watch?

by  |  earlier

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For two of the last three nights, I've been able to see my neighbor in the building next to me having s*x with his new girlfriend. He leaves the blinds wide open at night and his window is only about 10 feet from my window, so I can see EVERYTHING. I think it's pretty natural to want to watch, I mean, they're not ugly (at least if they are it doesn't matter because I can't really see their faces too well). I mean, how do I turn away? I think it's kinda funny. I'm not watching in a creepy way, just more entertained and in disbelief than anything else.




  1. OMG u got live free p**n every night ur lucky

  2. I dont think its wrong but its something you shouldnt do

  3. eh go 4 it

  4. you're weird. call him up and ask if you can join LOL

  5. ur so lucky!! AND WATCH ALL U WANT!!!!! DON'T FEEL GUILTY!!

  6. I'd watch too...

  7. watch them but don't get caught. =]

  8. its against the law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Thats hot--- I would totally watch too. It's like live p**n lol.

  10. no , its his fault for leaveing blinds open

  11. YOU... MUST...TRADE...ME...LIVES


  12. I would watch too, better than watching tv... Did she give him a B.J..

  13. I suspect he's an exhibitionist and knows you're watching.  Enjoy the show for as long as it last.

  14. you should ask if they need help!

  15. Well, who's to say it's wrong? The guy left the blinds open, that's his fault. Besides, nobody is going to know anyway.

  16. you can take a video of it and sell it to some voyeur p**n site

  17. I'm sure they're aware (coud even be a little turn on for them)and don't care - so if you want  to, go ahead and watch.

  18. Of course its wrong its called voyaging and you have blinds on your window too. Nobody is stopping you from closing them .. perversion is a 2 way street and so when you are thinking he might want you to watch you better look in the mirror and see who the real perv is!

  19. The average person would be tempted to take a peak. Its not all your fault though, they should close the blinds when having their private moments. Maybe they want people to watch them.

  20. its more fun than a porno. if you can see something from within the confines of your apartment i think its fair game to watch if its interesting. plus, if the windows are that close, he must know you can see. maybe he WANTS you to see

    haha, enjoy it. i would.

  21. you should knock at the door and ask if you can join then record yourself and send me the video or give me a link

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