
Is it wrong or is it right?

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***I am not in this situation, nor is anyone I know. This is just a question of morality, I guess***

Let's say you got pregnant, were very excited, and enthused about having a child. Well, 28 weeks goes by and you have your first sonogram and you discover that your child will be born with multiple birth defects or-- your child will have Trismony 13- Down Syndrome. Of course you would be shocked-but what would you choose to do?

Is it right or is it wrong to proceed with abortion?




  1. I am pro-choice. I wouldn't want a child to have to live through that nor do I imagine that I would have the patience for it. So I would have the abortion.

    But it is not a question of right or wrong. It is a question of what you can bear.

  2. I'd have an

    I wouldn never ever want to being into this a world a child this is mentally retarded because it would be too much for him/her and myself..

  3. Depends on your view of abortion. Big thing reading answers that is bothering me. Oh I wouldn't want to put a child through that. BS, just admit that you wouldn't want to go through it. Don't say about the child. Thing is a child BORN THAT WAY doesn't know something is wrong. They aren't being "put through" anything. They are living what they think is a NORMAL life. I have no problem with people admitting that they wouldn't want to try to raise a child that is like that. That they don't think they would be able to raise a child that is like that. I have an issue with them acting like they are doing it for the child, that wouldn't realize anything is wrong with it.  

  4. I have never been in this situation so I couldn't say for definite but this is what I think I would do. I would not want to bring someone into this world who would be an above average  burden financially, emotionally and physically to myself and society. I would have a carefully thought out abortion.  

  5. I think that it is a choice that the person in the situation would have to make. There are pros and cons on both sides. I am a special ed teacher and have had Downs in my classroom. A child with Downs are very happy, and loving. But a Downs child usually has heart problems as well as speech problems. Which ever way that you decide whether to abort the baby or keep the baby make sure it is what you want to do


  6. ~~Wow-this is a question which has tormented women and families for years. I think it's a very personal decision, and I hope no one I know never has deal with this problem. I worked with Down Syndrome kids in a home for a short time and it was heart breaking. I do not know if I could ever be strong enough to bring a child with these problems into this world after what I witnessed. However, until I was facing this in a real situation, I just could not give an honest answer. All I know is I would be empathetic with either choice a women made, as it would absolutely be devastating either way. I guess in my opinion there is no morally correct answer.~~

  7. well its what 6 you think i hate abortion its basically murder

  8. A doctor told my sister something like this and she went ahead w/ having her baby.  

    Her daughter is perfectly healthy and about to graduate high school w/ honors so don't always count on what a sonogram or doctor tells you is my opinion

  9. Whatever decision is made, it should be something they can live with for the rest of their life.  I don't believe there is a "right" or "wrong" decision in a case like this.

  10. So, what you are saying is, if it isn't perfect, let's reject it and get rid of the burden  bestowed on you. How sad.

  11. Personally, I would go ahead and have the abortion. I would rather prevent a child from having a sad life than forcing them, and myself into one. A special needs child is much more expensive to care for than a healthy one, and I probably wouldn't be able to afford it, and I know the chances of someone adopting him/her would be slim to none too.

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