
Is it wrong...??????

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike play physically with a child when the child doesnt like it and says it hurts? such as pinching 'knuckling' and 'smashing' (punching)




  1. Yes.  It's not playing if the child isn't having fun.  ESPECIALLY if the child says it hurts.  This is more along the lines of abuse.  Pinching and punching regardless of what names you go by is NOT playing and is teaching the child that violence is OK.

    I really hope this is a child/child playing issue and not an adult rough housing with a kid.

  2. if a child does not like it then better stop it or he/she will start avoidin' you (avoidin' in the sense he will be annoyed by you)....My uncle still does it to 15 yr old me...though i like him i started to avoid him(stop visitin' him)....

  3. no  

  4. are you in the room when this is going on ?

  5. yes it is wrong duh

  6. If a child says it hurts and the person does not stop then it is wrong. It is very wrong. Physical playing should stop the moment a child says stop. I would bring it up in court.

    My husband plays rough with my son and I always have to remind him to not to, because it teaches my son to play rough (and then he gets in trouble at school) and it could hurt him.

    Make sure you keep track of how often your son tells you that this is done and that he says he does not like it.

  7. yes it is, obviously.

  8. Yes! If the child is not comfortable playing like this then whoever is doing it should stop!!

  9. Yes, it is wrong.  If the child (or anyone for that matter!) says it hurts (even if the adult thinks it shouldn't) the play should stop.  

  10. Good for you, you will need social services on your side before you get to court.

    It is abuse and should be noted by social services.  I do not aprove of child services, but I understand that they have a purpose.
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