
Is it wrong th eat meat? i've been watching jaime oliver and its making me feel sick.?

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Is it wrong th eat meat? i've been watching jaime oliver and its making me feel sick.?




  1. I think its wrong to treat an animal like it's not even a being of God and treat it like it doesn't have feelings then just totally disrespect it and slap it in the face by eating it. I'd hate for someone to do me like that.....

  2. I'm not familiar with Jamie Oliver so I can't help you there, but I'd assume he's a chef who cooks a lot of meat.

    Now, for the morality bit. I personally believe that eating an animal isn't right, any animal. For me it would be equally wrong to slaughter a cow and roast it as it would be to shoot my own dog and cook it over a grill. My belief is that a life is a life, no matter who or what it belongs to.

    Then again, humans are ominvores we evolved and developed the way that we did based on at least a partial diet of meat. So the actual act of eating an animal isn't necassarily immoral. What I think is so wrong is the way we, as a people, raise animals for slaughter. The way we have them mass breed just so we can stick them in cramped places only to kill them. Also the way that we don't recognize animals as fellow beings of this earth. Often we treat them as our possessions and do what we wish with them no matter how awful.

    Animals eat other animals all the time, the difference is that we as humans have developed so much more and we have been using our advantage unfairly against other animals.

    So, making myself more clear, I dont think that you eating meat makes you a bad person. But I think that we all need to realize what it is we are doing and not to desensitize ourselves to what it is our acts actually are.

    My advice would be, if you like meat, eat it. If it's too much for you, dont. I'm living proof you dont need meat but you wont be committing any sins if you choose to continue. Which ever option is more appealing, go with it.

  3. They say if you couldn't kill it yourself then don't eat it. I couldn't kill an animal but I still eat meat.

    I do however make different food choices. I only buy free range eggs and chicken. I don't believe in what the animals today go through and I have even thought about becoming a vegetarian because of this.

  4. Yes, eat meat is wrong.

    Not only that, keep pets is wrong too.

    You keep pets and you neutred/spay them is totally wrong.

    You should let them live in the wild freely without human's interference.

  5. The question is not whether "eating meat" is wrong, but whether using other animals and killing them, when there is no necessity to do so, is morally justifiable.

    If you and I were in a desertic island and there was nothing to eat, if you chose to kill and eat me for your survival, nobody could blame you. Now, if we are not in that situation and just because you like the taste of human "meat", you choose to kill and eat me, it's a whole different matter.

    The same applies with other animals. We have options, and the only reason why we use and kill them it's because we like the taste of their flesh and their secretions (eggs, milk, etc.)

    There is no moral justification for that.

    If you can, watch the documentary Earthlings. It might help you understand the point better.


  6. No it is not wrong to eat meat. The vegetarian would like you to beleive so because if fits their narrow minded view of life in general.

    What is the channel selector for you think?

  7. It is not wrong to eat meat in and of itself.

    Becoming a vegetarian or a vegan is a personal choice. If you decide to do that, I hope it works out for you. But it is not a universal truth. I personally will not give up meat. It is part of a healthy balanced diet, and I have no personal objections to using animals for food. I respect people's right to choose their own diet, and I expect that same courtesy to be returned.

  8. not wrond as much as its we dont need meat in the first place to sustain ourselves and we werent even made to eat meat because our stomaches do not have the acid it takes to break down meat and digest it thats why it rots instaed and meat is bad for your health as well because it has the worse kind of fat saturated fat and is linked to cancers as well as the animals in slaughter houses are pumped with steroids and antibiotics and other foreign growth hormones which in turn people digest and even when the animal is unhealthy and sick people still consume them and putting that kind of "nourishment" into there bodies

  9. I don't think it's wrong personally.

    But I do think the treatment of animals is wrong.  When they are treated cruelly, life in a cage, beaks cut off, laced in hormone etc.  Yeah that's screwed up.

    But for me, I have some free range chickens.  They live a "good life".  Have plenty of room to roam around.  They eat bugs as they would in the wild.  Their eggs are healthy & shells are thick.  They are really healthy birds. Their lives are really good compared to what they have in corporate breeding for $ places.

    Now here is the weird part as it is not common today.  When it comes time, I have to butcher the chicken.  I just do the (unfortunate part) of killing the Chicken extremely fast.  No manhandling, no cruelty.

    So no, the idea of eating meat to me is not wrong (many animals including chickens do it) it's just the process of how the animal is treated before hand.

  10. Jaime is a tool thats why he was unsuccessful in America. There is nothing wrong with eating meat. We have been doing it since the beginning of time

  11. It is not wrong to eat meat.  If he makes you sick do not watch him.

    I did not recognize the name so I looked him up.  It made me nauseous and he was not cooking any thing.

  12. some people think it is when they see the conditions the animals are kept in. don't watch Hugh's Chicken Run, its even worse.

  13. You think hes bad? Watch gordan ramsey,he raises animals to kill them.animals are there to be eaten i love meat

  14. Jaime is wonderful cook who uses a lot of fresh herbs with eveyrthing he does.Very unlike sandra lee and some of those who use box ingredients.

    He actually canged the school systems and took out all the nasty stuff and had kids eating fresh.I would appreciate anyone who could do that for my childs school system!!!!

  15. Well, humans don't really need meat. Meat substitutes like tofu, seitan, tempeh have twice the protein.

    A huge number of nutritionists are saying loud and clear to stop eating at least red meat!

    And for obvious reasons, animal cruelty!!!

    Animals suffer not "only to be in peole's plate"...

    Most people have no clue what they're eating, brushing teeth with, what's in the jello, Mars, twix bars, etc!

    It's sad

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