
Is it wrong that I dislike my Nationality?

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But love my Fathers country as if it was my own?

I am Welsh, I don't want to be Welsh, I would rather be Scottish or Irish then Welsh. But I love the blood my Father gave me, Russia, it is my faverite country, I am happy my Father was Russian, even though I never met him.

So is it wrong to prefering to be classed a Russian then Welsh?




  1. Yes, it's wrong, but only because it keeps you from understanding the full gifts of all our ancestors.

    You are not your ancestors. You are a unique individual. If there had not be wars, rapes, occupations, violence, hardship, building and rebuilding, disease, and desire for opportunity, then an ancient ancestor would not have gone home one night to have s*x with his wife, also your ancestor, at the precise perfect time for a precise perfect sperm to meet the precise perfect egg. If that process had failed, in the slightest, at any time in the past, you would have never existed.

    I don't plan to sue my Norman ancestors for reparations for the damage they did to my Angle ancestor's country in 1066. Or the damage the Angle tribes did to my Celt ancestors. It just wouldn't be meaningful.

    And if you're Russian, that means that you could be a mix between the older natives that lived there, and the Norse invaders.

    Just be proud of yourself, and that you come from a very long line of survivors....

  2. You are everything that you are: no doubt if you have a DNA test done, you will find out that your ancestors came from all over Europe and lots of countries in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa  I know mine do. As to whether it is wrong or not, only you can make that choice.

    Think about WHY you feel the way you do; then, if necessary, take action (such as emigrate).

  3. well its not bad that u hate it i mean u dont have to like it but u cant help it that its in ur blood.I have Irish blood in me and i dont really like it but i have to learn to live with Irish blood came from the Robinson part of the family

  4. I think it's natural for you to have different feelings about that kind of thing.  Don't be surprised if some time in the future your feelings change.

    It's not unusual to be drawn more to something that is foreign or exotic, rather than something that is familiar and common to you right now.  I'll bet if you spent a long period of time in Russia, you might discover a part of you that appreciates your Welsh heritage (I'm assuming it is from your mother).

  5. I so hope you can be proud of who you are. Wales has given us some of the most wonderful, talented people. Here in the US, we think much more of the Welsh than you may realize. Think about it. You share your heritage with:

    Sir Richard Burton

    Sir Anthony Hopkins

    The beautiful Catherine Zeta Jones

    TE Lawrence (aka Lawrence of Arabia)

    Wizard of Oz star Ray Milland

    John Rhys-Davies

    and the very YUMMY Ioan Gruffudd

    You have a heritage that the rest of the world envies. No one would diminish your Russian heritage, either. But I so hope that you realize how important your Welsh heritage is. Maybe in your current perception you think Welsh is less prominent. But as you read the replies to this message, please know that in the rest of the world your Welsh culture is an envied one. We think very well of Wales in North America.

  6. I wouldn't say it's wrong exactly, you can't help the way you feel.  but what have you got against the Welsh?

  7. well i dont think its wrong, only that why whould u be ashamed of being Welsh?? is there something u have against??

  8. Being Welsh is amazing, whats not to like about it???

  9. Maybe you just need to learn more about Wales! The Welsh had a rich ancient culture, just like Ireland, England, and Scotland. Look up "neolithic Wales" for more information on that!

    They have a unique language, which J.R.R. Tolkien, authors of the Lord of the Rings series and famous linguist thought was the most beautiful language in the world! Think "Gwynwhyfar" and "Llewellyn".

    And the geography of Wales! It is just as beautiful as the other parts of British and Irish isles.

    I believe they also offered a safe haven in the Middle Ages which persecuted Englishmen could escape to when wrongfully accused of a crime. (I read that in my American history book, so don't call me on it if I'm wrong!)

    You're unique! Don't feel bad!

  10. actually you have to think by yourself on this one... you prefer your fathers blood, u wear his name its ok then! and if one side calls u more then the other it means that its this side u are more part of...your mind choses for you and since you waer the russian family name its ok!

  11. No. I love my heritage.... Italian, German and Austrian.... but I want to be Irish!!! :)  I gave both of my kids  Irish names. That's as close as I'll get. I want to visit Ireland someday. We can't choose our heritage.... but we can learn about other cultures that interest us and even live there if you want! And as others say, there is both good and bad in every culture if you look long and hard at it. So, embrace who you are.

  12. do you know wales - its the most beautiful place in the world - its mountans, its sea, its hills - once visited always loved

  13. It's not wrong at all! I can't stand that I'm Irish, I feel so bad for my mother, where I get the Irish from, because she has always known this. I favor my Italian side it seems as much as you favor being Russian, which I am also ( I don't leave that one out either!). You just have to accept the boring roots, as much as it does stink. lol

  14. well you could move to Russia- then truly be Russian both in blood and heart!  I'm American and is a 'classic' mutt-  mixture of far too many nations than you. I am proud of both my blood and my nationality.

  15. I find all nationalities interesting . HASHEM made you the way you are, that's a blessing. I have many nationalities

  16. You are who you are, there are many things that make you the person you are, just be proud of all the things that make you the person you are.

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