
Is it wrong to ask a neighbor to go talk somewhere else on their cell phone?

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I live in a studio right across from the stairs to the second floor apartments. My living/sleeping area is about 5 ft. away from the stairs. My front window is more than half the width and at least the height of the the entire front wall of the studio. Though the windows are double-paned, when I close them any noise comes in through the front door which is a hollow core door. The only place to put the bed is pretty much limited to right under the window.

The new neighbor upstairs comes out, several times a day, some times and has her smoke while talking on her cell phone. Her favorite place to talk is right at the top of stairs across from me. Even if my windows are closed and my TV is on she is so loud I can hear her over the TV. She has already proven to have a short fuse and management prefers everyone to use them for any complaints. I have asked them to speak to her several times to no avail. Since I can't change the design of my studio, I don't think it's asking too much, especially since she's out there so often, that she takes her conversation somewhere else so I don't have to be an unwilling audeince to her conversations. Today I wrapped on my window because she was talking so loud and she blew a gasket before I even said anything to her. She yelled, cursed, insulted, and opened and slammed her door 3 times. In the past I've tried just loudly clearing my throat or increasing the volume on my TV to give her a hint. It's not like I'm some anal noise natzi but to continually have her do this is really working my nerves. It's not like she's limited by the length of a phone cord or signal from a base set. She can go anywhere on the property and smoke and talk to her hearts content without bothering anyone else.




  1. I would factually and consistently report it to the management with dates and times of day/frequency to give credibility.  Also, you use the "smoking" issue as a way to get the management to get her to not smoke in the stair wells - it's a public area - so use that angle.  

    Also, this is considered a noise ordinance violation.  Just call the cops (non emergency number).  Tell them you can hear every part of her conversation and you shouldn't be able to.  Maybe she'll get the point and stop, or she may get defiant and worse.  Do what you need to do to help yourself.

  2. GET ONE OF THOSE MEGAPHONES and when she starts chatting it up, just f**t into the thing until she leaves or gets disgusted.  Enough said!

  3. The manager should post no smoking signs and enforce it.  Perhaps you should contact the owner about the problem if the manager won't do anything.  When she is out there talking on the phone, why don't you get a radio, open your window, put the radio in the window and turn up the loudest music you can find.  She won't be abe to hear then.  Other than that, you may have to consider moving.  If everyone complained enough maybe she would move.   Good luck.

  4. Since you know you're going to get a fight from her anyway, just yell..."Can you talk somewhere else?"  If you do it every time then eventually she'll go some place else to smoke and talk.

  5. Call the police about noise, as many times as it takes, and ask to remain anonymous.  No need to confront psychos.  Some managers don't do anything about problems.

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