
Is it wrong to ask my boyf for a hug?

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Ive been feeling really down and just want a hug.

My boyfriend is so wrapped up in his promotion and stress, its like im not even there. I havent seen him for weeks, we just talk on the phone.

I know he is stressed and i am trying not to let him know how i am feeling as it may just add to the stress. And if he doesnt get his promotion, i am going to feel selfish.

But i just want a hug... how can i ask him without seeming needy.

Is it a lot to ask?




  1. no, that's not wrong.

    since you said that he's stressed out and needs time to work, then maybe you should just try to talk to him and ask him to see if you could talk to him, even if it's just for a little bit :)

    he'll understand, if he's a good guy.

    just explain everything to him, and tell him that even though you understand HIS problems, you want him to understand YOURS.

    after all, a healthy relationship is built on trust, honesty, and love.

    you guys need to be faithful with each other. :D

    just tell him how you feel; he'll understand.


  2. No it's not. He should be there to help you through whatever you are going through. Hugs should come without question. If you haven't gotten one because you don't hang out then you need to hang out and when you see him just grab him and hold him.

  3. you shouldnt have to ask for a hug.. just hug him and he should hug you back.

  4. simply tell him you miss him a lot,  if you're as lonely and desperate as you're saying you are - it'll be apparent in your tone of your voice and he'll pick up on that.

    Then again he might not, therefore arrange a night out with your bf - like catch a movie, go bowling or to a nice restraunt for a meal and drink.

    It seems like hes putting his work before you, and you have little next to no knowledge yourself how much workload/stress he actually might have.

    Has it occurred to you that this promotion is his way of trying to please/impress you ? and that he might be working his body/mind/soul into it so he can get it and make you happy ?  if he doesn't get it and he ends up feeling S**t , thats his own personal problem.

    Life is not about 'promotions' and c**p like that, at least its not for me. Life is about having fun heh.

    If you need a hug so badly, get a cat.

  5. You go and hug him.  He probably needs one too right now.

  6. no need to ask him, just hug him

  7. No its not if you need a hug you need a hug

  8. if he doesnt have time for you now...he wont have time for u in the future...find a guy where u r before his job, and his job isnt before you. Dont fu5king ask him, hes ur bf, pull him close to you, and hug...u dont ask! that is horrible u have to ask him...relationships are meant to hold one another...

  9. You say you haven't seen him for weeks but want to ask for a hug???

    I think you should tell him you miss him and want to spend some time with him, I'm sure he will spend some time with you if you ask and then you can give him a cuddle!

  10. Just hug him and if he loves you, he will hug you back. Im sorry to hear that you and you boyfriend are really stressed out.

    Try to relax and relax him as well. Seriously, tell him that you love him and you still will even if he doesn't get the promotion. Just hug each other and maybe a good time to have s*x? Since s*x does relieve stress? Or if he doesn't want to, you can m********e? Im not trying to sound like a pervert, Im just saying you will feel better if you are relaxed.

    Try doing exercise and eating healthy. Sleep enough as well. Try yoga or meditating. And always pray to God.

    Be happy with your life, there is really no reason to worry ever. Trust me, people worry for no reason. Everyone does. Its a human thing.

    Point is relax and make sure your boyfriend is relaxed. And maybe its time you two move in with each other so you dont feel lonely.

    Good luck and god bless!

  11. Wrong to ask for a hug? What world do you live in? I hug my friends, parents, uncles, etc and that's perfectly normal cause I really care about them. If you cannot show your real feelings to your boyfriend or you have to change your personality in any way you are not going to live life to the fullest, and trust me, that will make you unhappy in the end. Hope my answer helped you.

  12. Why don't you go a give him a hug, it sounds like he needs one just as much as you want one.   No need to say anything other than "I thought you could use a hug".

    Hugs are GOOD!!

  13. no !

    your boyfriends sposed to be someone you can hug whenever you want :)

    just go up to him & give him a big hug.


    hope you get your hug!


  14. Just ask! If he loves you he will ask whats wrong and just hug you and talk to you.  

  15. yes you should have to ask for a hug! how else will he know? Im should he will be relieved about it! ask him every time you want one!

    obviously dont get in his way when hes busy, but 10-15 mins as your having a cupper before bed will calm you both down nicely and gently!

  16. not  at all, the thing here is your bf is obviously not including you in the part of  his life, as a partner you should be the biggest part there the one that has his back and obviously he doesn't feel this way. Sounds like its time to think if its time for a new bf. ?

    Another thing are you sure its the promotion that's keeping him away.


  17. Give him a hug - it may be just what he needs.

  18. You really should just go up to him give him a hug. The way you put it it seems like you both are kinda on shaky grounds so you should just comfort him, im sure he will appriciate it big time.

  19. Just tell him...honey I see ur stressed out n so am I ...I want to give you a hug...

    It's weird that u have to ask him that u want to give him a hug..u should feel comfortable around him....but go for it I guess.

  20. noo.

    he should be giving you more than just a hug

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