
Is it wrong to be attracted to older men ?

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My brother thinks a man and his wife should be the same age . I think a man should be at least ten years older than the woman he marries . I think older men are exciting . My son's father is twelve years older than I am . So is my boyfriend . What can I tell my brother to make him see reason ?




  1. I think it all depends on the age.  If you are 18 and you bf is 30 that just doesn't seem right.  Why?  Because she is just learning to experience life while he already has.  If you are 32 and the man is 44 then that isn't so bad.

  2. I think older is better. Men mature later than women. Men seem to like younger women. And your husband is in charge right??!!

  3. You really do not have to make your brother understand, it is what you like go for it...My question is why you and your son's father not together if as you say older is more mature???  And are you looking for a father? or someone to control you??

  4. older men are hot!

  5. Nope, I'm 20 and my man is 31.

    I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I've always been more attracted to mature men, and it just so happens they're usually older.

  6. Women mature quicker than men, so it is not a problem marrying an older guy....have fun with your man!

  7. My husband`s in his early 50`s, but he looks like he`s 40.  I`ve always been attracted to older men, also.  Most of them are total gentlemen and know exactly how to treat a woman, with respect and devotion.  My husband won my heart because he`s giving, loving, attentive and totally mature and experienced.  I find it very attractive to be with a man I totally admire and respect.  

  8. Why do you care what other people think about your choice in men? You live with them, they dont have any say. My husband is 14 years older than I.

  9. It really doesn't matter.  My partner is 11years older than I am physically..... mentally, well...  It's not an issue of me liking older men - we just get on, that's all.  Don't worry about your brother.  Maybe he just doesn't like your boyfriend to start with and the age difference is something to complain about?

  10. Maturity levels are such that a man can be ten to fifteen years older physically and still think on the same level as a younger female.  Also, older men are easier to housebreak and won't be running down the street chasing cars.  They are also used to working and won't be as likely to do the stupid things that puts them in jail for the enjoyment of Bubba.  

  11. Tell him that when you love someone you dont love them for there age you love them for who they are how you feel when you are with them and how they treat you. You stay with someone because they make you happy. He should just support your decision. God bless.

  12. See for me i would think 12 years is much too old but that's my opinion. I would go for a guy for more around like 0-4 years older then me. But if you like that then that's fine. Tell your brother that older men is who your attracted too. They are more interesting have a way higher maturity level and everything if he still doesn't understand then well you know he is a guy!

  13. My only concern would be that the age gap be so severe as to not let them have the ability to relate experiences and maturity levels. That is really important because after the initial s*x thrill is over, the real definition of intimacy comes forth....being able to share experiences as only two people in love can do. If points of reference are too broad then sooner or later one or the other become dis-envisioned and abandon the relationship. But if the intimacy of spirit is there as well as trust and admiration then I don't feel age is really an issue, the persons involved are.

  14. as long as your not 15 its all good

  15. First and foremost.. look at your question...

    "My Son's father is 12 years older than I am"... basically, you're saying that your relationship with your son's father didn't work out. Why do you think that is? Probably because 12 years is a HUGE GENERATION gap. If your boyfriend is 12 years older, you're setting yourself up for failure. Your brother is not nuts... in fact, he makes sense... for a long lasting relationship, it is better if both people are close in age. I'm not saying that being attracted to someone that is many years apart is a bad thing... but when choosing someone for a relationship, you have to go on more than just attraction because the day-to-day stuff has almost NOTHING to do with attraction and more to do with what you both have in common. Those that are almost a generation older have very little in common with you. This is a fact.

    This makes less and less of a difference as one gets older, so a 20 vs 32 year old is bad... but 60 vs 72 year old is not so bad.

  16. Tell him about the maturity level in older men and compare their maturity level to that of a man your age.  

  17. Tell him you happen to like "older" men.

    But, remember, women generally live longer than men. So, if you're with an older guy, you may be without him sooner than if you hooked up with someone your own age or even a little younger!

    Ten or 12 years isn't a huge age difference. The guy isn't old enough to be your father!

    My dad was 27 years older than my mother and they were happily married 23 years (and together six before that) before he died (in his late 70s).

    I'm almost exactly two years older than my husband and we've been together decades!

    After a certain point, age is just a number!  

  18. i believe a girl who's around 18 or 19 should have a young man they have more in common, but once you're over 21 do as you please, however i would never want an old man in bed with me if was a young girl.12 ys is ok, but not 20 yrs, i'd always think he was like my dad.

  19. A Police Officer married a 17 year old girl in Georgia and he was 42 years old and divorced with one daughter 16 yrs old. Now what else do want to know?

  20. Probably nothing.  I too am attracted to older men, i think it's a protective brother reaction.

  21. I think it's better. I was 15 but had a boyfriend 30, he was very nice and smart and mature and respectfull to me and we had both s*x and love but alot of my friends said eww he's too old so we broke up. My parents knew him and they accept it but they wonder if I should be with somebody my same age, so I found a boy who was 17. I tried to be good and make him happy but he was always mad and he hit me alot and he never gave me any real love but he was always asking s*x s*x s*x. It seems he only wanted that from me and didnt care about me really. Then he still cheated with other girls, so now I left him but I'm still scard of him. I wish I could go back to the real man I had before but he found somebody else now. I saw them and met her and she is nice and they are happy together. I should have stayed with him and never listened to my friends. A guy seems he isnt even ready to be serious until he is 30 or 35. When he is older than you then he is prouder of you and happier with you and more caring.

  22. My wife is 20 years younger than me and we have the best marriage imaginable.

  23. h**l no get $!

  24. my husband is 43 and i am 22. there is NOTHING wrong with it. i love him for who he is. age is just a numer and it depends soley on love and maturity.....why should you care so much about what your brother thinks about it anyway? its non of his business and if you are truly happy he should just be happy FOR you!! you go!

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