
Is it wrong to be in love with two persons at the same time?

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Is it wrong to be in love with two persons at the same time?




  1. I think you can love someone, but not "in" love with them,so look at it from all angles and choose, dont leave them hanging...

  2. Not in my opinion.  I've been in love with two women for that past 15 years, and I'm pretty happy about it.  They each have very different, very special qualities, and they are each wonderful, challanging and strong women, and I admire them both.

  3. thats impossible, i dont think your in love with either one of them because if you found tue love you would'nt be with that other person and you say your with two and you cant figure out which one you want then you obviously cant find those feelings for one or the other. if you ask me its just puppy love

  4. This is called LUST... not love.  It means there is someone else out there for you.

  5. It is impossible to be in love with two people at the same time. when you like two people it's usually you like one with your heart, the other with your head. But that's not love in any shape or form.

  6. Well, I'll go against the grain.  No, I don't think it's wrong.  The heart wants what the heart wants.  Sometimes the heart wants certain things from 2 different people.  Just like it is possible to love 2 children at the same time, I say you can love 2 adults at the same time.

    I would love to have s*x with 2 people at the same time.  That I am certain of.

  7. Yes it is, because it never works out unless you are in an open relationship.

  8. Since adult love includes respect, how exactly are you respecting these people?

  9. It is not in the least bit wrong, but it is difficult at times.   I have two wonderful men in my life and I love both of them greatly. They both give me very different things in my life. I am not talking material things, but just different in emotions.

    I am very happy in the situation, although it is not smooth going all the time.  They know each other and are friends to a certain extent.  

  10. Yes.You need to find one person who has the qualities of both people.Not do the "either or " thing.

  11. I'm sorry, but yes. To you and to them.

  12. I don't think it's possible to be "in" love w/ two people, when you truly are in love with someone you give your all to them, and if you still say you love someone else, then that person still has a part of you that your not giving to your other mate.

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