
Is it wrong to be sexually aroused by the scent of faeces?

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Please note that this is a genuine question. I realise that it could be seen as far-fetched or farcical, but a tone of seriousness would be appreciated.

Not my own, particularly, but other people's. I've not gone any further than just having a sniff, but I've always been curious. Also I need to say that I've never stolen or taken the faeces of anyone without their permission - I realise that would be wrong. Therefore I've had to make do with the droppings of dogs left in the park. On a side note, I would like to be made aware if this could be hazardous to my health. Thankyou for your time.




  1. yes

  2. it's neither right nor wrong. it's just what turns you on.

    as long as you are not harming anyone else and not putting yourself in danger, then i guess it's ok.


  3. yes sniffing dog c**p can be hazardous to your health, its also a wonderful way to get pink eye, i suggest not putting your face near faeces any more...

    its weird as h**l, but its not "wrong", there are other strange people who enjoy the same thing for bizarre reasons beyond me.

  4. My God!  This is the very first question that I have answered.  What have I got into here?  YES.  It is very, very wrong. (Face screwed up).  

  5. It isn't wrong, but it isn't exactly socially acceptable. I am sure there are other people .. I mean I know there are, other people out there like you. Find them if you need to explore it more, but be careful. It's a waste product and it really isn't meant to be ingested in any way.

  6. Finally a new fetish:seen a lot but this is the icing on the cake.

    A question though:what is it that gets you aroused on sniffing faeces?

    It is not hazardous to your health at all.

    There are people that eat each others p**p.Gross.


  7. Odd but not wrong as long as you don't inflict it on anyone elseNot hazardous if you keep your distance, or pick it up in a plastic bag.

    That's if you are not joking.

  8. As they say where I come from, "There's nout as q***r as folk". Wrong? I don't suppose it is wrong but it is definitely very strange. You may find you have a problem finding a lady who will use faeces scented perfume when you want s*x.

    Faeces is waste matter which the body, whoevers, has no use for. It obviosly contains bacteria which may have health hazards.

  9. Well yes, although it's YOUR fetish, as long as it's not hurting anyone I don't see the issue.

    (I think I just vomited a bit in my mouth!)

  10. Wow..I'll bet you are the life of the party! Good luck with that..have fun!

  11. Dang, that is some f­uc­ked up s­hit.

  12. Not to seem mean but , h**l YEAH IT'S WRONG TO BE SEXUALLY AROUSED BY THE SCENT OF f***s. but my advice to you , is maybe get some help. Or maybe when you're about to have s*x , sniff some , or think of what it smelt like .

    Good luck  

  13. I bet you're a butt man, aren't you?

  14. hahahhaha okay, weird

    i think if i was you, i'd be keeping that to yourself.

    i don't wan't to really know about you sniffing poo. although thankyou for giving me a good laugh.

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