
Is it wrong to be trying to develop something like this at 13

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The ability to manipulate gravitational forces?




  1. Halo isn't real.

    Do some real research. Try the MIT website, they offer their coursework online for free and that is a reputable source.  

  2. If you've got the talent and time, go for it. Don't let people discourage you. I'm intrigued by the concept.

  3. Your going to do something out of a halo book? Good luck.

    Have you taken any serious sciences classes? If you increase mass you don't increase gravity.  Sciencetists are alreasy devolping things like this (anti-gravity), but they have doctor degrees in science, and have attended major universities, and why would you need a meator?

    Not sure what your trying to say, but mass and weight are two different things.  Weight is the amount of force the gravity exerts on the body, mass is how much you actually weigh.  So you can have a mass of 100 pounds but only weigh 50 pounds, depending on how much gravity there is.

    Are you talking about something like this?

  4. Go for it! Let us know how it turns out!

  5. No, I think that you should try. You might be able to master it. That would be very cool too.

    Good Luck. and dont do anything dangerouse or stupod that could hurt you or anyone else.

  6. I don't know if you're just bored and trying to amuse people.

    Or if you're mentally retarted!

  7. Hey, why not. You're trying to do something cool as a pass time, and trying to defy what people say is impossible. It's better then only being interested in pre-pubescent guys, the discovery of eyeliner and The Jonas Brothers?

  8. i am very confused... um are you smart enough to even have any idea on how to do this?

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