
Is it wrong to believe in the tooth fairy?

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I'm a christian and i believe in the tooth fairy.i don't think it's wrong.i don't even know why it would be wrong.because i looked up if the tooth fairy is real and all the christians said she doesn't exist.i think it's something in the bible i didn't read.i really don't know.if u r a christian and u know something i dunno then please tell me.oh and one more thing.


srry but don tell me that god isn't real i have a story that he is.if u wanna hear it tell me.ill add it to my details.ok




  1. Yes.

    There is no biblical evidence for a tooth fairy.

    You got PROOF god is real?  Cause anecdotal evidence is worth the paper it's spoken on.

  2. you can believe in whatever you like its your life and your beliefs. :D

  3. Absolutely not!

    I love the tooth fairy ^^

    Unless you mean this kind of tooth fairy:

    Then you should probably shoot it...

  4. Don't go crazy now... geeze. I believe in God as well, but don't freak out if they do say that he doesn't exist, it is their belief too.

    But the tooth fairy doesn't exist.The tooth fairy was a fairytale to lose your teeth to gain money... that's all.

  5. 1.  Tooth faerie? sure go for it believe in whoever or whatever makes you happy.

    2. If you believe in God that's fine, I don't and frankly as long as it makes you happy then fine God is real! he is the air we breath! the ground we walk! the weed we smoke! God is the beer we drink! the Coke we sniff!

  6. No.  There is absolutely nothing wrong for you to believe in the tooth fairy.  God bless.

  7. OK.

    I won't tell you God isn't real.

  8. i dont think it is silly to believe in fairies.i'm definitely skeptical, but there are sightings and reports of fairies every day. but fairies are small, so how would the tooth fairy carry all the money without the weight being a burden? i guess if theyre real, theyre definitely paranormal. so it wouldnt be strange for them to be able to carry excessive weight. but why would a fairy want your teeth? and be willing to pay for them? i guess anything is possible. whatever you believe, stick to it.

    i applaud you for being able to stand up for yourself.

  9. Its not wrong to believe if you are under 10 years of age.  But the tooth fairy is like the easter bunny, just something made up for the kids.

  10. Dragon Jewel, Since you don't allow anyone to e-mail you, I am forced to give you this answer in this manner... Yes it is wrong to believe in the tooth fairy...  For God stated that thou shall have no other God before me..  Now even if the tooth  fairy is make believe you should look up how the tooth fairy came into existences  and yes the tooth fairy came from a mixture of other fairy tales and it is considered a minor god..... And all believer in God should know that fact...........

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