
Is it wrong to carry a feeling of superiority over drug addicts?

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I have family members who are drug addicts, in fact more than 50% I'd say.




  1. yes

  2. Sure.  You know they're vulnerable; in a weakened state.  'Probably not the only area that you'll exert your "superiority".

  3. This depends on how the feeling of superiority is expressed.  MOST people will feel weird about those who act superior, straight or sober.  

    I think a more reasonable way to express this feeling of "superiority", for me, is to say.."gosh, I'm so glad I'm clean and sober. I get to live a really blessed life".

  4. It depends.  Do you mean active drug addicts or are you including people who have faced addiction but are now in recovery.  I don't think it is wrong to notice that your choice to not engage in mind altering or even brain damaging chemicals was a good choice and that means you are a good decision maker.  Now if you are saying that you use drug recreationally and think you are superior because you haven't fallen in to addiction I would say that is problematic because addiction sneaks up on people and it isn't usually an inentional act to become an addict.  Drug addiction is a brain disease pure and simple.  It is a disease like heart disease so if the question really isn't any different from "is it wrong to feel superior over heart attack victims?  One should feel superior if they have chosen to eat healthy and exercise to avoid heart disease, yes.  

    People don't chose what kind of brain they have and there is a genetic component to addiction, you know that there is a gene that predisposes one to addiction.

    I think you can answer your question  yourself by asking ----is it okay to feel superior to overweight people, diabetics, people with heart disease, people with depression???

    It isn't drug addicts faults that we lack really good drug prevention programs for youth or that it is really hard to get good addiciton treatment in this country unless you are rich.  Even if they can get in to treatment many of them are behind the times in terms of "best practice" using therapies that are proven to work scientifically.

    I think it is a very good sign that you even ask the I would guess that you are a pretty good person....b/c good people usually can have a discussion about their faults or explore what could be a flaw in their belief system or behavior.

  5. Yes. Everybody has problems in life, they should be offered constructive help, not destructive attitudes from others. I think attitudes of superiority from others may only hinder their path to kicking the habit.

    I don't know any personally, but if I did I'd offer any constuctive help to them that I could.

    I hope your relatives get the help they need...Sometimes it can be a long road for these people & you too, if you have to sit by & watch them go through this process.

    I wish you all the best of luck.

  6. There is nothing wrong with feeling good that you are not a drug addict, but as far as superiority goes I'd be a little more humbler and thankful that I do not have that monkey on my back.  Some of the problems with addiction are genetic as well, and perhaps you were lucky enough not to get that dynamic as well.

    While you aren't a drug addict and it sounds like an upstanding person, there are probably things in life that you don't do exactly right either and focus on conquering those.

    We each carry our own sin what ever it is to overcome, thankfully yours isn't drug addiction, but search and you will find...and remember the people in your life that are drug addicts aren't going to like your superiority and will soon point out your own faults.

    Instead of feeling superior, feel compassion for those who aren't as strong as you and pray that they might realize what they are doing.

    Just remember by the grace of God so goes you.

  7. It depends drug addicts have a weakness/problem and it is not your fault  but we all make mistakes in life. just be careful what you say. people can be crazy especially when they are on drugs. No offense to anyone

  8. I think it's pretty wrong to feel superior to anyone.  Everyone has a story...  and a weakness.  I've found that whenever I take the time to get to know someone their vices make more sense.   It doesn't excuse it but it helps to understand it.

    I'm interested to know if you have any loved ones who are drug addicts.  Any other kind of addict?

  9. It just shows that you haven't discovered your own weaknesses yet...what is a weakness for you, the drug addict may have a handle on no problem.  We each have our own.

  10. Yes, it is, they see it in you, God gives them sunshine as well as He does you God arms are outstretched to them as well as to you, God loves them as well as he loves you, let him that thinks he stands take heed, lest he fall.

  11. OK I can see most here subscribe to the "everyone is special in their own way" BS.

    The superiority feelings you have are PERFECTLY NORMAL!!!!!! and are natures way of keeping you from throwing your own life away.

    If you thought of them as better than you, you might go down that dangerous path yourself.

    If you thought of them as equals, what would prevent you from falling down that hole?


    She said "FEEL" Superior, NOT "ACT" Superior.

  12. absolutely, its wrong to feel superiority over any other human

  13. Caution with arrogance, we are all 1 mph away from manslaughter...

    PS. Sketchers are ASSOHLES

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