
Is it wrong to expect the U S government to spend tax dollars wisely?

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Is it wrong to expect the U S government to spend tax dollars wisely?




  1. this screwed up government will NEVER use our tax money wisely. they are idiots and only care about thier own welfare, NEVER the LEGAL citizens!!!!

  2. its wrong to assume the government has a right to your money.

  3. It is not wrong to expect, although it cannot happen under the present system of----alliance of the Congress with the FED

  4. It's not wrong, just totally unrealistic.

    Just do what I did 7 years ago... stop paying taxes.

  5. It is expected,but don't hold your breath.

    Read a book about US Corporations by a 2 time recipient of the US Congressional Medal of Honor Smedley Darlignton Butler(1881-1940).  He wrote a book "War is a Racket"

    Smedley Darlignton Butler(1881-1940).  

    US Marine Corps Major General.

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