
Is it wrong to get married at 19, bf is 22?

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been in along distance relationship which meant the we spent id say 1/4 of our time in different countries, but when we were in the same counrty we spent every second together.

been together for 2 years, we've had a lot of ups and downs because of the long distance, i think its made us stronger. is it ok to get married at this age do you think?

im not young for my age, always taking care of other people and very independent




  1. Really it all depends on how mature u are and ur situation. I got married at 20; my fiance - 29. My 1st marriage... his 2nd. We're still together and we're happy (though i am a newlywed)

    I dont think theres anything wrong with it personally, but i do think its better to wait until ur about 24 or 25 atleast.

    I have a kid, and have started a life long ago... i wanted a family. I dont know if ur like me.. or if ur getting married for different reasons.

    Just think logically and do what u think is best for u.

  2. No there's nothing wrong with that.

  3. Its not wrong, but i would recommend waiting a while, your both still young and have got plenty of time to get married.  Whats the rush?

  4. I got engaged at 19, married at 20. My husband was 25 when we got married. It depends a lot on your maturity. The long distance thing puts me off a's hard to really get to know somebody. I have to disagree with the comment about cohabitation. Statistics have shown that couples who cohabit before marriage have a much higher divorce rate. That said, I am happy, however, as some of the others mentioned, I do wish I had had a chance to live on my own. I went from living at home with my family to getting married and living with my husband. Right out of college, no chance to travel, or live on my own. Keep that in mind and good luck to you.

  5. I think its a good idea, as long as you have a strong relationship like you said, and you are good to eachother and are in love, I dont see why it wouldnt be a good idea.  

  6. A coworker of mine met her husband while they were in HS and got married as soon as they graduated from college.

    They have been together every since and it is amazing how in love they still are.

    If you feel you want to be with this person for the rest of your life go for it!

    I think it is cool that they are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and they are only 45-46 years old.

    You can't ever be completely sure about anything. (except death and taxes)

    All you can do is trust your instincts and put a little effort into  keeping each other happy.

    It is good to be cauttious but if my coworker and her husband were cautious they might not have ended up together.

    That would have been a shame.

  7. i am your age, and i'd say, while i'm sure you could both handle being married now, the experience would probably be better for both of you if you cohabitated for at least a year first. marriages tend to last longer when people wait and live together first. you should not get married right away after being physically apart for most of your time as a couple. many of my friends are already married and many say they love their husbands , but wish they'd taken more time to really experience living as an adult on their own for a few years first.

  8. I think it's okay.  You're not too young.

  9. I think it would be great if you could wait til your 21 just so you could enjoy everything he is going to get to do also. (that is if you live in the USA). But if your lives have settled down where you won't be spending so much time away from each other I say go for it. Seems like you both are adults and since you have both traveled, you have learned alot.  If you not have settled down yet I would wait til that time comes. You don't want an long distance marriage also! It will makes things 20 times worse.

    In the end if you both over 18, no one can tell you NO! And your wedding doesn't have to be anything super huge. Just hit up the Justice of the peace/judge. And have a cook out with close family and friends in your parents back yard. GOOD LUCK

    * I give you both alot of credit on keeping a relationship going so long with so much distance I don't think I could do it no matter how much I loved that person.

  10. If you are unsure enough to post this question, what would be the harm in waiting a year or two?

  11. I got married at 19 (my husband was almost 20), and we had a long-distance relationship for 1 year (and only knew each other for 2 years). We had such a strong relationship because it started on the internet and for the first year of knowing each other, we didn't even get to see each other in person. When we finally did meet, we were both totally attracted to each other and made a commitment to be in a "dating" relationship until we were both ready to get married. Then, 4 months later, he flew out to see me again, and we got engaged... 4 months after that, I flew across the country to see him, and then 4 months later we were married.

    Yeah, we only saw each other on 3 different trips before we got married, but now we've been married for 5 months and it's absolutely wonderful!

    I said all that to say that no, you're not too young. Just be careful like you would with anyone, make sure he's the right guy, etc, but if you do get married you'll probably have a stronger relationship than a lot of other married couples. Distance will either make or break a relationship... and it sounds like it's made yours better. :)  

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