
Is it wrong to get warm fuzzy feelings when people insult you on here?

by  |  earlier

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'Wanda' in my delusional world me and you are married and have several children, we go on lots of picnics together and listen to bach




  1. whatever w***e...

  2. no, course not

  3. Only for you.

    Well it's good to know that you at least have a somewhat normal world even if it is a delusional one.

  4. i think so.... cuz sweetie insults arent a gudd thing

  5. Nope I get them too!! It's the best feeling in the world right next to getting a needle jammed under your fingernail.

  6. eeeewwwww....  For a moment I thought it was posted in Religion & Spirituality!!

    You sound spiritual today!! hehehe

  7. Only if you are a m*******t.  In that case, to make you happy, you are an idiot.  Feel better. Only kidding.

  8. Nope after all you're getting attention which is a  fuzzy in it's own way whether negative or positive.  

  9. No, not at all SUH lut.

  10. Duh


  11. You have me wondering 'what are warm fuzzy feelings?'

    Are they similar to 'feeling hot under the collar'?

  12. I hate being insulted, especially over email. I've had plenty of that. I hate it, I don't get that feelings. Your on your own I think.  

  13. Nope, some people enjoy it

  14. I get a half chub when I get those daily accusatory comments that I'm going to report them and/or block them.

  15. what is wrong with you?  

  16. yes its wrong, if you want to feel something warm and fuzzy you know where I'll be. I'm going to my room now.  

  17. Heck no!  My motto is "love me or hate me, it's still an obsession!"  lmao

  18. If those kind of feelings are wrong, I don't wanna be right. lol

  19. no it's the best thing  

  20. get lost weirdo...


  21. No, it means, love you or hate you, they are still thinking about you! :]

  22. I get more than that when you insult me....♥

  23. ow many fingers av ya got use em.//

  24. no.

    it's 'cause you feel special when they do?

  25. I hope

  26. Not in the least. I have been called 'idiot', 'racist', 'facist', 'moron' 'sick son of a' and many more. And that's just from my contacts! If you're not tweeking someone's nose or getting them angry with your opinions, you're just not trying hard enough! And if your first shot at pissing someone off doesn't work, use this method:;...

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