
Is it wrong to give space aliens automatic citizenship because they are smart?

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Is it wrong to give space aliens automatic citizenship because they are smart?




  1. im from korribon, im a sith so i dont care

  2. its a good idea to help them out so their spacecraft wont get foreclosed upon

  3. You gave automatic citizenship to some space aliens, didn't you

  4. Yes, specially if they are illegals.

  5. Just give them a green card.

  6. I think that the aliens should be denied citizenship because they are dumb.  If they were all that smart, they would avoid earh all together.  Especially in an election year.

  7. is it wrong to keep illegal space aliens because they are already here?

  8. im a space alien and i find this question offensive

  9. The question is whether they accept humans in their citizenship.  Since they have mastered gravity and can warp spacetime, and have, doubtless, visited inumerable planets, it ain't up to us to grant them citizenship.  Quite the reverse, I'd assume.

  10. what makes you think that space aliens are smart? just because they use a technology doesnt mean they know their asses from their elbows. In that way, it's like most licensed drivers. Most of them can legally operate a car but, most of them cant operate a car safely.

  11. I'm sure if space aliens came we would be much more preoccupied with doing all sorts of heinous tests on them and would completely forget any rights they may or may not be entitled to.

  12. wow man you gotta lay off the green!

    But I would let em in, I've heard alien chicks are really freaky in bed!

  13. Can they give us rides on their rockets and NOT stick things up our butts?

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