
Is it wrong to go to community college a year after graduating high school?

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i was originally going to go to a 4 year university this year, but something went wrong and for the sake of my mom and the financial stuff going on at home, i decided to take a year off (its too late to apply at the community college this year for the area i want to go in) and just apply to community college next year, starting a year late. i still plan on pursuing a college career cause i want to be a teacher.

is bad or wrong to take a year off, when you know you are helping your mom out financially for 2 (actually 3, if you count the year i am taking off) years by not having to take out a bunch of loans and putting her in predicaments that would cause her more trouble?

i just feel like a loser being a year behind the people i graduated with (especially since i graduated with a bunch of honors). i know it shouldnt matter since i wont see these people til my 10 year reunion (if i bother to go) and by then i should be done with college all together (not including grad school)




  1. Your situation is neither unique or wrong.  I didn't begin college until I was 24 because I was in the service.  It is always a good thing to get an education no matter how long it takes or how late you start, good luck.

  2. There is nothing wrong with taking a year or two off and then going to college.  Your regret will be if you NEVER go back.  Most employers and/or colleges don't care if you take a year off and if they do ask, tell them that you took a year off for financial reasons.  

    Contact the community college and speak to their admission counselor.  You might still be able to take a general education class or two in the fall.  The financial aid office can help you too.  They will know of scholarships and grants that you can apply for next year.  

  3. there's nothing wrong with it, it is actually a very humble and loving motion, your mom is blessed to have you

  4. You did what had to be done. You can go back to school at any age. Don*t woory just do !

  5. Nope. It'll actually make a really good interview story for when you're looking for work and they ask why you took a year off. Shows you care and all that :) And if you're going to grad school, even better as you'll get better grades and be able to get into a better school

  6. In my opinion not at all. When I graduated, I attended community college and finished all of my pre-requisites first to save money and then finished my B.A. at a 4 year in 2 1/2. It saved a ton of money and I finished so much sooner then most of my classmates. Good Luck!

  7. One of my friends has asked me a similiar questions before,we found helpful here.

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