
Is it wrong to hate to sit by families with little screaming kids in restaraunts?

by  |  earlier

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i get so annoyed, ive begun to ask to be seated at a different table if i see parents not keeping their kids under control.

nothing ruins a $20 steak like little johnny screaming and throwing things.




  1. Charles R. ~ you say you we should better our kids?? by taking them to maccy d's. and how does that work???

    THEY WONT LEARN UNLESS YOU TEACH THEM. and taking them to maccy d's is hardly helping them, filling them with junk,sugar and artificials just so they can act the way they should ~ AS KIDS.

    As for the poster of the question, why dont go to have a nice meal at a non family establishment or in the evening at a pub or something as kids arent allowed in there.

    I just want to add that my 2 year old is very well mannered but she does forget herself at times and says (roughly loudly) 'mummy whats that?' and we do leave with her covered in food but guess what i wouldnt have it any other way because i wouldnt dream of being ashamed of my babe.

  2. I agree.  It can be very stressful.  i would gladly take the time & trouble to have them move me to another section.

    PS:  I had a $24.00 steak the other night.

  3. when my kids were little I knew we had about 1/2 hour total in a restaurant - and it was fast food.  That's all they can handle.  When they got a little older, they were taught to sit and behave. If they got out of line, they were taken out of the restaurant until they could behave.  I never let the kids throw food or run up and down the aisles. If you teach them from little on, this can work.  My kids are teenagers now and have learned etiquette and table manners without any major catastrophes.  I have had to take them out and remove them from the situation.  I just don't understand how parents do not do this.  My boys are big kids now and have the respect of other people and they respect them as well.  They clean up after themselves and use napkins.   Sounds like little Johnny has parents who don't know how to discipline and teach them.

  4. Well, I think we all were screaming little kids at one point :) I understand that it can really get annoying though, you could possibly ask for a new table if the restaurant isn't packed.

  5. It's not wrong at all to feel the way you do. I too have had the experiences in stores, restaurants, and other public gathering places. I think parents should make sure their kids will behave before bringing them to a public place. If you're kids are going to scream and throw fits take them to the McDonald's Playplace or the park for dinner. NOT a sit down restaurant.

    We want to better our children, help them out in life. It is a lame excuse for someone to say "Well you misbehaved at that age."  Easy way out.

    We learned not to misbehave, and I think parents should take the time to teach their kids to not misbehave. Kids will be kids, but unacceptable actions should be followed by consequence.

    As far as young children that scream etc at dinners? Those parents should know better than to even pull in the parking lot.

    Oh, and $20 is far too much for a steak SHEESH!

    Wishing you pleasant dinners in the future =)

  6. Mate, it isn't wrong but you must empathise with the parents of Johnny. I mean, we all were kids and we all threw the odd tantrum or two. So cut the parents some slack and sit next to them, because if you don't, you make the parents feel worse, and little Johnny can run riots all over them.

  7. I agree with you. To the person that said you forgot that you were a screaming little kid...Not all kids scream and act up. So dont sit there and generalize that all kids do this. There are many parents out there that know how to handle and teach their kids proper behaviors.

  8. Not wrong.

  9. No, in fact I understand....and I am a mother of two!

    I have asked to be placed in the quieter section of restaurants many times.  Sometime they accommodate and sometimes they can't because they are trying to spread the customers amongst the waitstaff.

    My children aren't the screaming type...of course there have been times when I knew the weren't in the mood to sit down quietly...what did I do you ask?...I stayed home.  

    I don't think it's too much to ask for a parent to discipline their child for being obnoxious or if they have small children they can simply walk to the front of the restaurant or to the bathroom to calm them down.

    Now...that being said...I have had an experience or two where my children acted up near the end of a meal...and it was more of a pain to calm them or remove them when I was trying to finish up.  

    Also...In general I feel for parents...I should say mothers, when their child acts up...because if they are considerate of other patrons, it is generally the mother having to interrupt he meal.  I have rarely seen a father bother to do the same.  But that may be my experience.  :-)

    That being said...I haven't been to a kid friendly restaurant that serves $20 steaks.

  10. Not wrong.

    Of course, you should speak to the waiter to speak to the family that their kids are disrupting other paying customers.  Not right that you need to move.

    Of course, you could go to restaurants that usually don't cater to people that bring kids.

  11. No its not wrong you pay your money you  should be aboe to enjoy your meal.

  12. you are you forgot that you were a screaming kid once.we all were................

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