
Is it wrong to hate ur self?

by Guest10833  |  earlier

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i have a bf and i really love him and I'm sure about his feeling as well and I'm very happy for having him in my life

without him I don't think I'm able to continue




  1. you tell me

    right now I hate myself and everybody around me

  2. Don't know if it's wrong but it won't do much for your view of life & you run the risk of creating a self fulfilling prophesy ...

    Try looking at the good things about your life & focussing on them instead...

  3. nope i hate myself alot

    hated myself since january

    i screwed up real bad

    i still havent forgiven myself

    but im still alive and kickin

  4. no its not wrong its good thing to hate ur self but if some body make u hate ur self tell him i think that they are so bad and they are a bad thing in ur life to make u hate ur self

  5. Perhaps you can take this cue from my teacher in Religion during my high school days.  He said, Jesus has taught to hate the sin but not the sinner.

  6. I don't think it's wrong but I don't think its healthy.

    Many times I hate myself but hating yourself will only make you more depressed and down, and what's the point of living if you are going to hate yourself/

    i hate so many things, I hate how my dad use to be abusive to me as a child and to my mother, i hate how people use to bother me about that when i was a kid.  i hate how i made many bad decisions.....i hate how i can never settle in sometimes....i hate so many things.

    But the more i think like that the more i think crazy.  I have to think of all the things that I have done and why I like myself..... there are many things i have done to be proud of and to like myself.....

    I think u need to get a girlfriend or boyfriend and love them and they will love you, it makes me feel so happy when im with my girlfriend......even though she doesnt live in my country anymore.

  7. No, it's not wrong to hate yourself ..

    But it is wrong to hate yourself because of what people did to you ..

  8. honey why are you telling us that,who cares good luck with the BF

  9. if your ugly then NO! joke

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