
Is it wrong to have a baby in order to save another child?

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  1. I can see both sides of this debate, but this family loves all their children and no one has suffered in the matter.

    I see this as a brilliant thing that saved the life of a little boy.

  2. While I try not to judge other people I personally think that this is wrong.

    Most siblings would probably be happy to help their brother or sister, however in cases like these they  are not given a choice. Also their quality of life isn't the best it could be because they are constantly being tested and harvested. Also it could be said that the parents only love the second child because of the hope it brings for the first. I know that parents are put into tough situations but having a baby just to 'fix' another child seems wrong.

  3. Wow, that's amazing...

    I really don't know where I stand on this argument...

  4. I read this book called "My Sister's Keeper"and this story reminds me of this situation completely. As long as the child that was conceived understands that he is just as loved as anyone else in the family ,then the child should grow up healthy and feeling loved. But I think that it may take a little toll on his psychological well-being later in life when he realizes he was only conceived for the purpose of saving his brother instead of the fact that his parents wanted to have another child. Or perhaps this child will grow up happy that he was born with the intention of saving a life. It really could go both ways. But as long as this child is happy with the position he has in this family and he isn't being hurt psychologically, emotionally, etc. then I think this is a beautiful and touching story.

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