
Is it wrong to have a favourite child?

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Its not me, I only have one child. My friend has a favourite one of her twins who she takes everywhere with her. Is that wrong?




  1. Yes. It's not so much wrong to have a special spot for one child as it happens naturally, but to treat one different from the other is wrong.

  2. Very My mother in law has a favorite out of 4 and its so wrong it sucks even more because she makes it so obvious but im no one to judge and especially mention it to her since she probably wont care of change but i do talk to my husband about it. You can try talking to your friend and explaining it to her but chances are she wont change. Just know it will hurt the other child and the child will notice. Its very very sad but it happens.  

  3. Well being a child of 7 i certainly saw my parents favoured one in particular, now being a mother myself i love my children both HOWEVER i love different qualities about them my daughter will refuse to come out with me sometimes preffering to stay with her friends so i take my son,, quite easily be seen as favouritism?? no not at all I would love to take my daughter with me places but she is so much more out there and independant wheras my son wants and needs his mother. I still love my daughter tons and tons after all she is my first born i would do anything for her in a heartbeat but got used to also that she is so independant...... still though i bear in mind childrens perceptions and i do even though i know her answer ask if she would like to come with us and when she doesnt i still bring her back something the same as if she had of come with me.... i dont think you favour a child just that sometimes children are clingy than the other sometimes.

  4. I think thats so wrong and will do so much damage to the 'unfavoured' child!

    My siser-in-law is like this with her two children, she favours her little girl to her older son and it's so obvious it makes me really sad! i also think that deep down her son knows this and it's very upsetting!

    i have only one son at the moment but am pregnant with my second child - i couldn't imagine ever favouring one child over the other, i can't imagine how sad the unfavoured child must be!

  5. Yes it is very wrong! could you imagine being the other twin getting no attention and love! all i know is i would want to be the favorite child! How old are they?

    Hope it helps!

  6. As a mom, I don't know how your friend could have a "favorite". I have a boy and a girl and I love them both so much. I never feel like I love one more than the other...they are both very special to me...both of my kids are my best friends and I love them dearly!

  7. I am not sure if it's wrong but, I don't know how that is possible. I thought when you have kids you love them equally. I mean, what would be the determinig factor in picking the favorite?? The first one, the one who minds better, the one who hugs you the most?? That is just absurd to me. Your kids should be equal, in my opinion.  

  8. It is very very wrong to have a favorite, but as humans, sometimes we can't help but have favorites. Not saying that it's right, it's just natural. I think if a parent does have a fovorite, they shouldn't make it obvious for fear that the other child/children might feel neglected. Godd thing i'm my gramma's favorite, but it comes with a price...jealousy!

  9. yes...i think...

  10. Yes!!! Children can sense if someone is liked more than them. If she doesn't want to take both of them she should take turns taking them with her. Maybe its not that she has a favorite maybe one is better behaving than the other. I have three children and I tell them all that they are my favorite.  

  11. Yes l think we should love our children unconditionally and not have favourites,we chose to have them.

  12. It is wrong to 'show' you prefer one child from the other. I have two boys which I love the same, but I love them both differently for different reasons.

  13. I think that it's wrong.

    The other twin is left out and feels really sad.

    She should love both of them equally and take them were both of them want to go.

    Sometimes when children are brought up like this sadly they become bullies.

  14. Well, having a favorite child can't really be wrong because people can be born with part of their personalities which could make it that one just has a better trait.  You can try not to have a favorite, but it's difficult if one is annoying.  (You can't stop yourself with liking what you like.)

    Making it clear and obvious and neglecting the other is wrong.  That's just cruel.

  15. It is not wrong to have a favourite child and it can be quite natural - for various reasons.

    What is wrong is to treat children differently. This can be extremely damaging.

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