
Is it wrong to have kids if...?

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Is it wrong for someone to intentionally have kids if the child would inheret a genetically transmitted immuno-disorder that would eventually kill the child?

The snag in this is that the child may grow into an older person before the disorder kills them but, the childs life would be defined by the cons associated with a disorder that causes the body to recognise its own organs and attack them as if they were infection, literally shutting down organs as the body breaks them down. The child would know what pain is and, if the child were to have children, those children would have this disorder as well. And for the record, there is no treatment or cure for this disorder.

Would it be wrong to intentionally bring a child into this world knowing that it would suffer like that?




  1. Is it 100% sure that the child would definitely inherit this?  As much as doctors think they know everything, they don't.  I believe, if there were a chance they would inherit it, but not a definite, it is fine for the parents to get pregnant.  They shouldn't be robbed of having their own baby because of a possibility.

  2. i have to admit yes that would but how do you know he is going to get

  3. I hate to say this but yes i think it is wrong, and a little selfish, just to satisfy your want of having a child.

    Why bring up a sick child, that wont be able to have a full healthy life, when there are countless amounts of children who need homes and parents already just waiting for someone to love them.

    Adoption would be an extreamly safe alternative i think to this situation. The child doesnt have to be blood to be yours.

  4. I have witnessed this situation with a woman I used to work with.   I have thought about this even more since I have had children.  I do think it is wrong - not in an evil way but in a selfish way.  It pains me just to think about all the random diseases my children may acquire in their lifetime and I don't think I could live with myself knowing I would set someone up for a life like that.

  5. I think it would be selfish and unfair to bring a child into the world knowing s/he may suffer like that.

    If the parents concerned desperately want children there are plenty of children to adopt.  By adopting you are ending a child's suffering, not commencing it.

  6. If it was 100%, I, personally, would not do that to a child... However, I've never heard anything like that to be '100%'... No offense, but there have been numerous cases of doctors just flat-out being wrong... It's a heavy choice, which must be weighed, carefully.

  7. do you know 100 percent that the child would have this.they told my daughter her baby only had 10 percent chance of living i now have a happy healthy 7 year old grand daughter

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