
Is it wrong to have s*x in your bedroom that u share with your 2 yr old and u have s*x with your boyfriend ?

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while the child is fast asleep . The boyfriend is not the child's father. You are divorced from the child's father. Your bf and u have been dating for about7 mos now and u love him . the child loves him too....

You are moving to a new 2 bedroom apt in 2 this fine to do this....what if u start in the bedroom and when things get too loud u move to the living room




  1. God do you want your child to see. Just go and start in the living room and stay in there

  2. It's pretty gross.

  3. Have s*x in the living room or have the child sleep on the couch. Although the child wouldn't be able to comprehend what is going on -- depending on how vocal or acrobatic you two are, he/she still might be confused and wonder if you are not in distress or being abused.

    Either way, it could be very confusing for the child, best to avoid the potential problem altogether and have your romps outside of the bedroom.

  4. hahahahahahahaha

  5. Yes.  I hope that 2 yr old doesnt wake up and get scarred for life.  Get into the other room you sicko.

  6. VERY WRONG!!!  What the h**l where u thinking!!!

  7. Start and finish in the living room.  2 year olds remember more than you think.

  8. Uh, just do it occasionally...

  9. Ughhh.Yes thats very wrong.

  10. As long as he doesn't wake up! That would be a nightmare if he asked in the middle of the night "mommy, what are you doing?"

  11. Your joking right? Is it so hard to let your child sleep over some ones house or use a different room other than the one your child is sleeping in? To answer your question YES it's wrong!!!

  12. start and finish in the living room.....

  13. at least do it on the couch!

  14. I'm a single mom and no way would I ever have s*x if my child was in the room. What if the kid woke up?  

  15. Personally, I'm married with a 1 year old and wouldn't do that. But who am I to judge you?  

  16. Yes it is wrong and i think you know it.

  17. one should not  

  18. um whatevers cleaver

  19. I would say if it was the father it would be okay (as long as the baby was fast asleep). But since he is just the boyfriend, probably not. Children are a lot smarter than what we think!

  20. Don't have s*x in the same room as your kids, no amount of therapy ever makes that moment ok when they set up and see you .  

  21. dam it bevis quit being a dumb ***

  22. y dont u have s*x in the other room.  

  23. Yes it's wrong.

  24. can u not put the kid in another room to sleep?

  25. YES...Do you want to scar the kid?!

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