
Is it wrong to hope for someone you hate very much to die?

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Is it wrong to hope for someone you hate very much to die?




  1. Yes it is wrong.......You might hate that person and you could take revenge on him.......but it is SO VERY wrong to hope that he dies

  2. Yes

  3. You'll eat yourself alive without doing them much harm.

  4. I hope not.........

  5. It's not wrong but it won't make them die any quicker.

  6. yeah it's wrong. do i do it? yes. a guy I know named cody. used to be suitemates. it started out cool then he treated me like c**p because I was to much of a wimp to stand up for myself

  7. I do it all the time.

  8. Well I would understand it like this woman in Vienna, her father kept her prisoner in the basement of the house with never seeing sunlight from age 18 until age 42 for 24 years and he raped her thousands of times and only recently some months ago she and her children came out of that prison.. it was all big news.. if she wanted to see her father dead or her children if they wished to see their grandfather dead for having deprived them of a normal life. The eldest daughter of the woman is 18 now... I would hate him enough to want him to die if that was my father or grandfather.. he committed incest on his own daughter multiple times and he kept her and her kids in that basement without sunlight for years... Yes he is a rapist, committed incest he took 24 years of her life he damaged her life and that of the children so much that I would be able to hate that much...if I was in such circumstances. I can't say that I would not be happy if he died but he is an  old man now over 70 so it would not harm him that much if he died anyhow and he will die in prison. That much is for sure. He got 15 years imprisonment and he won't get out of there alive again.

  9. what if u die before

  10. I don't know if it's wrong or not, but there's this girl who I HATE and just can't put up with, and I wished she was dead. She's the kind who just uses people for what she wants and is the fake kind of friendly.

  11. Not at all.

  12. i dont think hate is wrong but to wish som1 death is wrong and inhuman also tho if they killed one of your family members i think its ok

  13. no

    because you don't really want them to die

    you learn something from everyone

    so even the person who you hate has changed you in a way so don't hate or try not to or pretend  not to

  14. I do it every day I pick someone random then hope that person dies one time I got lucky Hit by a car what a speedy way to go

  15. No it isn't.  But whatever you do don't tell them.

  16. It is wrong, yet sometimes someone in our life hurts us so badly that we say "I wish they were dead" It would be good to transcend those pitiful feelings though.

    Because when you wish that someone was dead that is a sign that you are emotionally not intelligent. Never take anything personal. And if someone upsets you - alienate yourself from them. Life will catch up with them and they will pay the price in some form or shape.  

  17. Yes. Bad karma for you, never hope for anyone to die, they will reap what they sow.

  18. yes

  19. yes,,,it is wrong...but if it makes you ok,,go for it!...duh....!!.you dont know that person hopes that you will die to...hekhekhek....

  20. Yes.  It is wrong to hate.

  21. You can hope for anything you want but it's not healthy for you to hate someone that much.

    First ball, you just hope for some to be dead, and yet that person does not die then you might get frustrated from the justice not being done or knowing that the person is not going to die and live very well even.

    And if that person literally dies, than you might feel guilty for the rest of your life.

    It's much better if you realize that the person is not worth even a second of your time to think about.

    And it's even better and healthier for you if you can wish the person well, and it doesn't cost you anything but you will feel much much better with big relief of stress.

  22. kind of.

  23. Yes very much... its evil

  24. yes..of matter how much you hate someone how can you wish for there death?? and cause pain to the people that do love that person?

    ask ur slef this, how would i feel if someone wanted me to die..

  25. You sound like Oboma, "HOPE" AND "CHANGE".  You can keep hoping but changing the status of a life of a human to changing to death is equal to Obamas HOPE AND CHANGE.  Pure rhetoric.  It is wishful thinking, just like Obamas wishful thinking that he will be voted into office as President of this great U.S.A.

  26. not unless you had something to do with their death.

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