
Is it wrong to just talk to a married man on the phone if you're a single woman?

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if you're just chatting and not actually going out.




  1. If you're friends I don't see it as a problem. Also, as long as there are no secrets... as in, his wife knows you chat on the phone, etc, and she's okay with it.

  2. defenetly, only because unconciously you want to hook up, even if you say no, if he is interesting enough to you to talk to him on the phone, soon you will start to like him and the consequences will end up for the worst for both of you.  

  3. yes

  4. well think about it, would it be ok if your husband would be doing it to you? would it be ok for your boyfriend to talk to a married woman? would it be ok for your dad to talk to a single young girl. if you think all those situations are ok then go for it. but if you see something wrong with any of these situations then it is wrong. good luck

  5. most will say yes, because it could lead to other things..

    you will start getting super friendly and it will be sparks and then it will be an affair..

    stop while youre ahead.. theres a reason he is not talking to his wife and talking to you..

  6. It depends on what your (and his) intentions are.  If you're only interested in being friends, then by all means.  Even a little flirting is fine, unless he's marries to a really jealous type.  I have female friends that I talk to, and have no problem joking around with.  I'm engaged, and most of them have significant others.  We also know that it's friends only.

    If his wife is somewhat jealous, though, he'll want to be careful of what he says.  You know you're only friends, and that's it, but will she?

    If you have other intentions, though... well, keep it to just friends either way.  When he gets divorced, then you can have him.  ;)

  7. think of it this way would you want a single women calling your husband... probably not.

  8. Only if you can call him at home, chat with his wife first, then speak to him.

    If you're sneaking around on cell phones and his wife doesn't know, it's wrong.

  9. Yes.

    As my dad told me long ago... "When you're married, if you find that your husband is talking to female friends a lot and not talking to you, you need to get out of the marriage.  When you get married, your spouse is your female friend."  

    Basically, it could lead to other things.  Also, if he's talking about his problems with you (especially problems in his marriage) that's a bad sign.  You shouldn't talk to a married man.  It's too touchy 9and could upset his wife).

  10. No, I think if you are friends with a married man and his wife is aware that he does have female friends, it should be fine.

  11. that depends what you are talking about and whether or not his wife knows about you, my husband was just chatting, but when it came down to it the other party wanted a lot more than just chat. It has ended up with me getting emails from her asking me when I going to die so that he could go to her. So be careful where your chatting is going and do the decent thing and tell him he should be chatting to his wife, not to a young, presumably pretty, single women, makes me wonder what he is really after. Try and do the decent thing and send him on his way.

  12. If he does not tell his wife about the "conversations" then it IS wrong.  Plus we need more information:  what kind of conversations do you two have?

  13. yes.

  14. No, it is the intentions behind why you are talking to him that will make the action bad. If he is just a friend then there is no problem with his wife and your husband [if you are married] knowing about it. Everything should be open and out with both spouses.

    He should know as you, that there is only a platonic friendship to gain from the correspondence and at no point shall either of you allow it to cross the line.

    Tread lightly dear and be honest about what you are doing and the reasons you are doing it.

  15. uhmm if your flirting then yes! if you kept constantly calling (even if there wasn't any flirtation) I'd get very pi$$ed off. you're just going to cause a lot of problems in the marriage, leave him alone and find a single guy to chat with. do you want to be labeled as a "home wrecker"?

  16. ! it just over the phone ! everyone have freedom,to do  what she /he want!so nothing wrong to talk single/ married man.unless you getting him!

  17. a man most likely is not going to tell his wife that he is talking to another woman on the phone-i think its ok depending on what the intentions are- i dont think it will necessarily lead to something else-but you have to be careful because emotional attachment is worse than having sexual intercourse with someone.  

  18. Imagine you are the wife and your stupid husband is not mowing the lawn or helping billy with his homework. he's on the phone with a single woman while youre cleaning and cooking for him. Is that wrong? Dont be stupid, you know its wrong. Is there something wrong with you that you have to go after somebody elses man and cant get your own?  

  19. I guess that depends on what the conversations entail.

  20. On a regular basis.. I'd go with no.  No need to start something that will only lead to disaster.

  21. No. It's wrong to flirt. But harmless talking on phone is fine.

  22. .No! because it depends your subject.If your conservation going to wrong way,you will show more interest in that subject and you will try to meet him after can guess what will happen.

  23. Call his wife and see what she says about it lol.

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