
Is it wrong to kiss your pets?

by  |  earlier

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Yes...I know a lot of people just hate hamsters.

But hamsters make great pets, only if you can take good care of them.

Rodents are fantastic...or maybe it's just my taste.





  1. Nothing wrong with it.....I kiss my cats all the time, they are my babies

  2. I don't like it, because I can't help but think that they l**k their butts and who knows what else, then they l**k themselves, then my lips contact where they licked.....

    But I'm sure it doesn't cause any damage, because lots of people kiss their pets.

    So I guess what would really make it okay or not is what type of joy you get from kissing them..... :o

  3. i think it is absolutely fine to kiss your pets i never have had a problem kissing my cats and dogs and other people as well its perfectly normal lots of people do pets are like family and they can be treated like family too :)  and currently i have acute little black kitten sorry no pics though

  4. kiss? fine.

    makeout? no-no.

    i have a pug.  

  5. no i think it is personally fine. but i wouldnt kiss a hamster. mayeb a cat or a dog.

  6. I have a boxer he is a dog a big dog,  when I sleep he sleeps and he lays there watching me or sleeps by pressing his back into my leg our stomach.  Sometimes he lays his head o my chest or leg or arms he love me and that is what is important.

  7. nah, as long as you don't french 'em!

  8. I kiss my dog about a thousand times a day.

    No tongue,though.

  9. My friend keeps tarantulas as pets.Hes never kissed one yet.

  10. It most certainly is NOT wrong to kiss your pets.

    I kiss my pets all the time to show my love for them !

    I have a black lab,Rot Whiler,3 Birds,Cat and fish !

    Allott of animals ! but I love them and I do kiss them on there noses and backs its not like I am making out with them ... lol  

  11. Fondest Greetings,

    I read this question and HAD to answer, because i was just having a conversation with my sisters about kissing my hamster Edward.

    Lol, I do it all the time, because I love him, and I know he loves me.  

    One time he escaped from his cage,  and didn't even leave  my room or anything, instead,  he decided to take a walk..on my face XD He's a cutie,  I love him.  

  12. I see nothing wrong w/kissing your pet - just so it's not on the mouth (too many germs - plus, they "clean" themselves w/their tongue). I have a 12-yr-old cat that I'm really attached to. I usually pick him up

    & kiss him on the side of the face (cheek) or on the top of his head.

  13. not at all..

    they look so adorable..

  14. No it is not wrong, but it terrifies me thinking that a hamster can get out of it's cage by itself.  That would give me nightmares.

  15. Only if you use tongues

    My two cats sulk if they dont get a kiss before bedtime

  16. I love kissing my cat, but he hates to be kissed. He's starting to get used to it, though.

    I love hamsters and all kinds of little rodents. I love their tiny hands. Yours are adorable.

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