
Is it wrong to lie to a child about the video of David Mortari throwing a puppy off a cliff?

by Guest57823  |  earlier

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A girl I know was extremely traumatized when she saw this video. She was practically hysterical. I'm pretty sure the video is authentic, but I lied to her and I told her that the puppy is either a stuffed animal or it was already dead. I told her I thought the yiping sounded fake even though I actually thought it sounded authentic. I'm feeling guilty for lying about it, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her my true beliefs. Was lying justified in this case or should I have told her the truth?




  1. I read and seen the earlier comment about this.  I thought it was terrible too.  I think you were justified since she was so hysterical about it.

  2. that video is sick.that soldier should be shot.

  3. I too lied to my daughter, she was extremely upset, telling her that it was fake helped ease the pain, but she still says "mommy that's not funny even if it is a fake puppy"

  4. I think that its fine you did this. Especially if it was a young child. It may be too hard on her if she knows the truth. I don't think I would worry about it too much.

  5. No be happy that you lied to her about it, you didn't lie maliciously, it was to stop her from being upset. i would have lied if I was in that position.

    To Sean, yes the world is a horrible place, but why should a child know that? Let them be children, they have all their lives to hear about the despair and the pain of the world

  6. Tell her the TRUTH!

    The fact that a Marine did it,is just a symptom of our failed society!  

    Who raised that kid to have such low regard for life?

    Did that little girl ever see the horrible pics from Abu Ghraib? Why do people get more outraged at a puppy's torture,but not as much for innocent humans?  That's why that child,and every American, should know the truth about our illegal occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan,and what it means to humanity!

  7. Depending on the age, its alright. But if shes older and couldnt fingure it out for herself, thats her own fault.

    She must really love dogs, i wonder how she feels about 400,000+ people being killed in the Sudan.

  8. I would have lied too.. thats screwed up

  9. if you think its for her own good, i think its justifiable, but always remember, sooner or later she'll find out the truth herself.

    -"the truth will always prevail" peace.

  10. If she was your daughter or a child extremely close to you i would try to explain the badness in some people and how actions like this should always be met with consequence and that no good every comes from doing something like this, that bringing pain on any sort of innocent creature (human or animal) is cruel and makes you an awful awful human.  otherwise it might be over stepping your boundaries to tell a child that who isn't close to you

  11. I think to lie to a child about this situation is perfectly acceptable.  This was a horrific thing for a marine to do.  If the child is too young to understand then I think it is justifiable to lie the way you are lying. How would you explain to a small child that this marine is sick in the head and what he did was wrong?  Why was a child exposed to this video in the first place?

  12. What you have done is protect her from the truth, don't feel bad about that.

  13. No you were not wrong. I think they should warn people before they show us animal cruelty on the media.

    I've been traumatized by a newscast that showed a video of a person putting several dogs to sleep (like in an assembly line). I can't erase it from my mind and I'm an adult.

  14. You should tell her the truth. Why lie about it? Just say that there some horrible people in world and they can be anyone, from any background. Just show her what that man did was wrong and tell her what is right. End of story.

    Then go and write an angry letter to the military and News media to cover this story.

  15. Some lying is justifiable in this case yes I would have done the same thing!! That guy is a douche bag

  16. It is justified.  I couldnt even watch the video, especially now since I know the poor thing was yelping.

  17. no! when it comes to puppies lie through your teeth. i would hope you would lie to me about that. i'm already sad and i don't even know what video you're talking about.

    sometimes its best to lie, but only when its going to help someone.

    plus, you don't know for sure it was real right? so it's only a HALF-lie. haha

  18. Sometimes if you are lying to make someone feel better it is okay

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