
Is it wrong to litter on the highway?

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I do it all the time. I get the impression most people do.

Do you litter? Have you in the past? If so, would you again?




  1. its illegal and next time you do it i hope you get caught because your destroying our planet

  2. If you actually do are a pig and deserve to be ticketed. If I saw you littering where I live, I would report you. How would you like someone throwing trash on your property or in front of your home? I take pride in where I live.

  3. I don't litter. Truthfully, I would not want to feel the wrath of these top contributors and that alone will keep me on a straight path. But, I'll try to be positive. It's all perspective.

    If I were an ant and you threw out a bag of Cheetos with one Cheeto left, I would probably be pretty happy. And if you spilled a full can of sprite on the asphalt, and I was a little armadillo crossing the road, the asphalt might feel a little cooler to my feet.

    But the best thing to do when you eat a Snicker's bar is to not even unwrap it. Just eat it all and you'll have no trash to worry about.

  4. it is wrong according to the laws. a lot of people really do it though as you stated. how else did all those beer cans get in the ditches?

  5. Yes it's wrong. It illegal, makes you look like you have no class(which you dont), pollutes the environment, and lowers property values.

  6. Yes, it it wrong, and you are wrong to do this. And you should know that.

  7. In some places it is illegal and if you are caught you have to pay a large fine and do community service. I know it is wear I live.

    I have not once thrown garbage out of the window of my car. It is killing our earth.

  8. No ma'am I do not.  It is no only wrong its illegal.  I hope someone catches you and gives you a big fat ticket.

  9. Do you throw litter on the floor in your house?  All outdoor spaces should be treated with the same pride as you have for your home.  Just as it is wrong to "litter" your home, it is wrong to litter on the highway, or anywhere else for that matter.  As you've already heard is also ILLEGAL.

  10. Yes, it's wrong.  Everytime I see trash I think of the trashy hand that dropped it.

  11. i don't litter but i have to admit that i have done it 1 time when i was really little. well i am just a kid. i had a wierd habbit that preventing myself from polluting, littering, etc. you shouldn't litter cuz then you'll get a ticket if you're caught. your'e damaging our environment.

  12. It is illegal, silly.

    And harmful to environment. I hope that you get caught.

  13. No, most people do not do this, except in third world countries.   Yes, it is wrong, and you should be ashamed of yourself for even asking this question.  Stop hiding behind the "most people do it" excuse.  Most people are more responsible than that.

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