
Is it wrong to look at men in the lockeroom?

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Im 14, straight. But I don't look at kids my age, I only look at guys like 35 and up, and I look at them in the urinal too. I mean does anybody else do this, or is it okay? Im not g*y. I just look and stuff. Someone explain.




  1. It is perfectly normal to sneak a peak to see how the other guy is "fixed".  If you notice you will see others doing it.  So I wouldn't worry too much about it, it is just normal male curiosity.

  2. This isn't abnormal Dude

    You are looking at them out of curiosity and not out of desiring them.

    I did that too when I was around 14. I can still remember what I was thinking at the time.

    I was thinking that these Dude are probably having regular s*x with a Lady, and I wondered what it was like to be able to do that and for it to be all OK, good, and acceptable...They didn't turn me on, but the idea more did. I was kind of envious toward them in that sense as well, but some how I was glad for them to have that at the same time, and it meant and gave me reassurance that it would be like that for me some day.

    It isn't always simple to understand, but You start taking the feelings apart and look at them, it makes sense. It isn't easy to do some times. Hahaha!  

    Hope this makes sense Man!

    Me! :- )

  3. i sometimes do the same stuff when i am horny but i look at people my own age not 35 year olds that is gross

  4. well if you're doing it a lot you might like it. if it turns u on then, yea u're g*y. i think guys do that a lot though. You just look and "stuff"?what's "stuff"??

  5. Ehelp, when you're 14-years old, one of the most common things is curiousity - what do other people look like - both male and female?  Most of the time when guys your age are looking, it's not a sexual thing (well not completely anyway) they just want to see how other guys are put together and compare measurements - of everything, not just the p***s.  I wouldn't worry about it if I were you - it's just a normal part of growing up.

    Check out the link:

  6. Never heard of this situation before. Most likely it's adolescent sexual curiosity, and it might not even be sexual. I look at guys but I'm g*y! Have a nice day!

  7. ur curious

  8. yeah it it i do it some times lol  

  9. no its ttly norm for guys our age to think about the same s*x like to compare with them and things like that

  10. it's normal to be curious that's all that's wrong with you as long as you just look it's natural

  11. that's not normal your probably going to turn g*y after puberty hits you hard

  12. I do it too you know...

    Im curious TOO!

  13. I haven't done it, but if anyone has tips to sneak a peak without them noticing, email me please.

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