
Is it wrong to love someone who is married?

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The person loves me back and has even introduced me to family, claims that our relationship will not ruin his marriage and that his marriage was based on responsibility-got the lady pregnant and was forced to marry her but now he says he has fallen inlove with me and wants to experience what true love means by sharing his life with me.




  1. Does the word adultery ring any bells?  He's  telling you what you want to hear but he will not leave her. Respect yourself and back out now.  

  2. Do you really think he's the first cheater to use those lies, or you the first sucker to fall for them?

  3. Sweetie,if he didn't want to be married,he wouldn't be.Please don't destroy a family.Please use your morals and do the right thing.Love as a single person is completely different to love when you have children.Go chase someone available who can give themselves to you fully because this can only end in heartbreak.Have some self-esteem!

  4. To love is akin to worship the God if you are genuine enough in your feelings and consider the love sacred.  Very many people get messed up with love, attraction, lust, and stuff like that.  But what is the definitation of love and why does it transpire between two opposite s*x only  and why not between two of the same s*x ?. Love is nothing but primarily cosy feelings towards the opposite s*x that inherently do carry the desire for s*x.  Seemingly it does not appear to be lust for s*x but deep down the root, it is that only.  Otherwise just see, every love that blossoms eventually ends up into gratification of sexual urge, which we ostentatiously call it expression of love.  But personally I do hold it that one can love anyone whoever he or she likes.  Marital status has nothing to come in the way.  Why should marriage be a lock on one's heart ?  

  5. it is not wrong to love him - it is wrong to act on it.  If he is not happy let him get a divorce

  6. yeah... that's the cliche they come out with after "My wife doesn't understand me" and "We're just like friends" and "We're only together for the kids"

    Do you really think you're worth nothing more than being his booty call when his wife has a headache? And no-one can be FORCED into a marriage they are so firmly against..

    Have a bit of respect for yourself, there are plenty of men out there who will want you, and only you.

  7. You are asking for trouble, he is not going to leave the woman he is with now, due to "obligations", and personally, you are only setting yourself up for a big fall when you continue to see him.

    You will be spending your life with empty promises and you will not be spending it with him and only him, his children, and the mother to his children will always have first say!!!

    Do not do this, break it off, and be happy, do not stay with him, and live a lifetime full of heartache and disappointment. And depression, because you can't be with the "love" of your life.

  8. What is wrong with you people?

    If he's fallen in love with you, wait for him to get a divorce. period.

    Hope YOU are not putting out for this pig, until he gets a divorce you wil always be known as the other woman.


  9. huh,its not wright at all,ok.first why not ask him  if he  is  intended to make his life over you and leave his family,for you,well dear  if you really understand what is true love means.its like that,do everything for it like i did.but i was failed,because the man i ever chooses was a player well a good one.the best player i have ever known.huh so if you ask him  and he says yes then you does love's you the most.good luck.

  10. You can't help who you love but you can control the way you lead your life.  Now is the time to think with your head and not solely with heart.

    If you love him and he truly loves you then he should/must file for a divorce and move completely, heart and soul with you.  He can still be a parent and provider for his little one(s) and be with you.  There are millions and millions of split families in this world, his won't be the first.

    If he saids he can't (this happened to me) because he was concerned about his kid(s) then he truly isn't ready to give his complete heart and soul to you and as hard as it will be you have to let him go until he's ready or else this won't end and you will always be the other woman and NOT the love of his life.  

  11. What a BS line he is spewing on you,. Run for the hills, girl, before he gets you pregnant too....and he cannot marry you because he already IS married. Move, leave no forwarding address no phone number forwarded, chanage email addresses. Really, he has you under a very unhealthy and dangerous spell. Exit stage left NOW.

  12. Come onnnnnnnnnnnnn.  That's the oldest line in the world. What else would he say? Why are you asking is it wrong? You know it is.

  13. Sure he may have married her because she had gotten pregnant. How long ago was that? What's his excuse now for not getting a divorce? Is she still pregnant?  He can support the child by not being married to the mother, he doesn't need to stay married to her.  He's either too chicken to get a divorce or he really does love his wife and just wants a little action on the side. If he really wants to experience what true love is, he can get a divorce. If not, your always going to be 2nd to him and an easy lay.  Thats all he wants.

  14. How can he say it won't ruin his marriage when he claims he'll be sharing his life with you. Surely his wife will notice when he's not around and acting all secretive.

    He's not being fair to you, his baby or his wife.

    This is a dangeous game with no winners, only losers - get out now and find someone who can commit 100% to you.

    If he can cheat on his wife, what makes you think he won't cheat on you??

  15. YES! Find some1 single u homewrecker!!!

  16. It is not wrong to love someone or to Like someone . It is wrong to break a marraige up  for it is not the marraige intended to be if there is a third party . Wrong would be to live that or be in that marraige as a side kick.  If you are ment to be with someone whom you love then you are cheating yourself if they are with another reguardless of the situation. Love finds where they are suppose to be and if you love and he loves then that love will find a way to find each other ...Goodluck my friend ., Fate has its ways and love never dies..........

  17. ...hmm... i heard that before.

    if he loves you tell him to put first things first... which means close the chapter with his wife and then open a chapter with you.

    remember, if they do it with you... they will do it to you.

  18. Well all i can tell you is to pull out now, your life will be a misery for the rest of the time you are going to be alive!!

    Is he leaving the first wife for you?? or it will be hand in hand ....

    The same thing happened to my friend , she got married to the guy and now she is in total misery.

    He hasnt left the first wife and has to be with her for the kids and then he stays some nights with her and some with the first lady.

    It will be painful but let me tell you this pain is worth the pain you will suffer later on.

    Let him take his decisions and you think about someone you dont have to share and you can call yours ....

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