
Is it wrong to make out with your half brother?

by  |  earlier

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we already kissed and had intercourse.

i feel bad about it is this wrong?




  1. Thats the best type of intercourse. Me and my twin f*ck all the time.  

  2. yes it is wrong if you are blood related!  if it feels wrong then it usually is.  Get some help.  


  4. you'll really feel bad when you have a baby with 3 eyes.

  5. JERRY,...  JERRY!

  6. YES omg YES


  8. Um yeah that's wrong!.  It's called incest.  You two share a parent and some DNA.  Wrong wrong wrong.  

  9. uhm i actually think this a tad bit wrong because he still has like half of your blood in him... eek... if you getting mad over the answer you recieve dont ask the question so publicly!

  10. yeah its just a little gross

    no i mean

    REALLY gross

    i have a half brother too

    and i would NEVER do that!

    go pray..

  11. yea, but it's all a matter of opinion. I think that if he's your half brother then yes, it's pretty bad. But if it's a relative you didn't know, it would be an accident, which makes it a little bit better. Just don't do it a again!  

  12. Oh yes this is bad.  Try to avoid doing it again.  There can be no future in this realtionship, except an appearence on Jerry Springer

  13. If you feel the need to say you are in love and going to do it all you want, why are you asking people if they think it's wrong?  If you don't care what we say, don't ask.

    On that note, it is "wrong" but more than that it's...well...illegal and dangerous.

    Make your own decisions...this sort of thing used to be quite common but has acquired a social and legal taboo.

    Just consider what you're doing.  Talk to someone you trust or a professional about why you two feel the need to behave this way.

  14. Not in certain parts of West Virginia and Arkansas.

  15. Why are you posting this on Yahoo! Answers???? And YES it's wrong!!!!! You can't just fling with your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  16. um yes, if he is blood related even if only half it is incest

  17. umm well i wouldnt say that its all that bad actually a while ago people actually married there siblings and cousins so i wouldnt say it was all that bad but its kinda GROSS....

  18. Yeah, with all the other millions of guys in the world, don't have s*x with your half brother.

    It's unhealthy, and will ruin your self image.  I'd stop, file it under "stupid stuff I'll never do again", and move on.

    He should know better too.   I mean, we all love s*x, but for him to get off with a half sister is not cool, at all.   Don't let him s***w you over.

    Stop, you'll be much happier once you put this behind you..

  19. Of course it is that's sick, my brother and my sister are "Half``` but I still consider them my brother and sister. But hey maybe you could apply for Jerry Springer and get even more attention.

  20. Yea I do feel and also believe that it is wrong.But who am I to judge nobody is perfect, and people make mistakes.obviously there is no going  back.And know you must deal with the consequeces.

  21. Yes. You are blood related.

  22. are you related by blood like have the same mom? if so thats really gross. if you dont have the same mom its not as gross. but hey if your in love then do watever you want dont let anyone tell you otherwise cause you wont listen but yes it is wrong

  23. yessss

    thats disgusting

    and completely wrong



  24. you shouldn't even joke about that.

    that's sick.

  25. Well i would say not too but its your life. do waht every you want. Others may find it a little gros to REALLy gross but if you are comfortable with it. Go for it!

  26. Yes, it is illegal in most places.

    Why did you ask the question if you couldn't take the reality of being wrong? I'm sorry, but this is kind of a messed up thing for you to do.

    His father or mother is yours also.

    If what you are doing is right, then you won't feel bad about it later. If it's wrong, you'll be questioning yourself.

  27. Nope Its Not Wrong.

    People may think and say its wrong which could hurt you and cause a fuss but as long as you are not blood related then your ok..

    but then if you are blood related then yeahh its wrong as you are family its called inbread.

    hope thos helps

    love gab x

  28. ABSOLUTELY. You are blood related.

  29. Yes it is.  Would you have done it with your real brother? NO.  Just because he is your half brother doesn't make it any different from if he was your real brother.

  30. well u r right u can do whatver you want but just think whats going to happen in the future.. we r not being mean just telling you how wrong is it..and btw u said u feel bad about it then why u saying u r in love..dont judge us gurl judge us urself...its ur blood u goin to bed with

  31. INCEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only is it DISGUSTING, it is immoral. GET AS FAR WAY FROM HIM AS YOU CAN if you can't control yourself.

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