
Is it wrong to make sure an almost 2 year old boy is seated down at a restaurant? ?

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i went out with my in laws and husband and my sister in law let her child run around the restaurant. at one point he ended up sitting with a family at their table. after that happened i was watching out for him, but i thought they should have made him sit down while we waiting for our food to arrive especially since he had crowns to draw with. is it really that difficult to have a 2 year old sit down? i am very annoyed that my sister in law barely paid attention to her son and i had to listen to her p*****n child complain throughout the entire day. is it wrong if i don't go over to see them? they don't want to change anything and they always say how my niece behaves really well for me and they always want me to make sure she's good, but it's not my responsibility.




  1. Those are exactly the people that get looks of disgust.  Sound like irresponsible parenting.  It's very rude to assume that everyone around them is ok with a child bothering them while they are trying to enjoy their meal.  I'm sure you are quite embarrassed while you are out with them.  It's always hard to tell the parents of a child how to raise their child.  If it is your brothers wife try talking to him.  Or bring up hints like "there he goes you should grab him before he gets too far."  Sorry for your luck.  

  2. no, there is nothing at all wrong with that. as a matter of fact, it is expected. if a person can not control their child to a degree in public they shouln"t take them out. maybe that person needs to re-evaluate who is the child and who is the parent in that family and work on making some changes to get some parental control or get some help if they don"t know what to do.

  3. In public, a parent should supervise a child's behavior. Not everyone will love the little tyke like mama does. I don't want to put up with loud, and over active kids when I eat out, and I certainly don't want to babysit someone else's child while mama gabs with friends. I would talk to management. I have 9 grand kids, and they would never be allowed to run amok. This is also dangerous for the child. It could easily be abducted from a restaurant by negligence on the part of a parent.You are instinctively looking out for the welfare of the child and I applaud your ability to see what the parent does not.

  4. tell your sister in law to get a clue, I'm sure the restaraunt staff was about ready to sit the child down for her.  It's rude, inconsiderate, and that child is going to grow up being a brat.

  5. It is definately NOT wrong to make a 2 yr old sit down at a restaurant. If he/she refuses to sit down he/she should be buckled into a high chair or NOT brought out to restaurants in the future. Not only is this a problem for other patrons trying to dine in peace but it is a danger to the child and waitstaff also.

    I am a waitress and I can't tell you how many times I have almost tripped over small children running, dancing, and wandering throughout the restaurant. If that were to happen while I was carrying hot food or hot coffee those children would have been burned at the very least.

  6. A 2 year old should know how to sit down in a restaurant and mind his mother.  His mother obviously does not know how to manage her children.

  7. It's expected that any child no matter what age is seated down in a restaurant.  It's proper social ettiquette to make sure that your child is well-behaved in a restaurant and it is also a sign of good parenting.  A child running around in a restaurant is not only a nuisance to the other patrons who are there to enjoy enjoy a nice quiet dinner but it is a danger to the child.  The wait staff may be carrying hot foods and if they accidentally trip over the running child they can spill the hot foods over the child causing serious injury.  Let your sister-in-law know of the dangers of letting their 2 year old boy run lose in a restaurant.  If she doesn't heed your advice then it's her problem as a parent, not yours.  It's her child so it's her responsibility to instil good manners in her child.

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