
Is it wrong to peirce the babys ears?

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Isnt it painful for the baby? I wont be peircing my childs ears until she is old enough to want them and ask for them, just wondering what you all think...




  1. I had my oldest daughters ears pierced at 3 months and my youngest daughters pierced at 8 months. they cried for a minute but after that they were fine, they didn't even care when I had to turn them and clean them. I opted to do it early because I was afraid that if we waited, they would realize what was happening and would put up a fight or would get too scared and never get them pierced.

  2. I usually get rude looks when people ask me why I haven't pierced my 4 month old daughter yet. I tell them that I would rather wait until she is old enough to ask to get it done herself then me inflicting unnecessary pain on her just because it will make her look cuter. She is adorable as she is.

  3. It's not wrong, just tacky.

  4. I don't think it's wrong, but I think it's a matter of preference. I personally would prefer to wait until my daughter decided that she wanted it done and would ask me, however if someone else decides they want to take care of the cleaning and turning and baby crying when the ears are peirced then that is their choice. Some cultures have different meanings behind peircings and I can understand why some decide to get it done so early.

  5. I would wait till shes afew years old. I have friends that got it done when they were two or three. If you dont get it done earlier then they might want to when they are 5 and might be scared and think itll hurt. If you get it done when they are toddlers then they might not have this problem and will never remember it. I do not know if itll hurt the baby but you could try. I dont think it hurts, but thats y u should wait till their a little older.

  6. I agree with you, what if she doesn't want her ears peirced? I got mine done at 7 when I WANTED to have them done.

  7. Yes, I think it is absolutely wrong to pierce a baby's ears.  Have you ever seen it done?  They SCREAM!  It is really a heartbreaking thing to watch, and all because some parent thinks that earrings are "cute" on a baby.  Not to mention the soreness of the ears as they are healing, and baby's constant tendancy to pull on the earrings.  Personally, I would wait until the child is older, and let it be a reward for straight A's on her report card or other accomplishment.  That way she can decide for herself, understand that it is going to hurt, and take part in caring for and cleaning them while they heal.  Plus, as a reward, it is a happy occasion for her.

  8. I don't think its necessarily wrong, but my husband and I have an agreement that when they are old enough to handle the pain and take care of the peircing themselves that they can do it. As a child my mom had my ears peirced 4 times, the first three times my peircings got infected and were very painful, and as a child i didn't understand the need to keep them clean and rotate them. So my kids will not be getting theirs peirced until I see a certain responsibleness in them.

  9. I don't think it's wrong it's just not something I want to do. Only god knows why but EVERYONE I know asks me 'are you getting her ears pierced?' It's annoying... but anyway I look at it like this:

    I hate to walk around the mall and see those poor little babies being held down by their parents while they are screaming and getting needles (earrings) punched through their ears. It has always made me cringe to see that so my thought process is that when my daughter is old enough to tell me she wants earrings, is old enough to understand what having earrings means (like taking care and cleaning them).... then she can have them. Until then heck no.

    So I don't think its 'wrong' to get a babies ears pierced I just don't like the idea of doing it so young.

  10. that's fine that you don't want to pierce your baby's ears until she is old enough to decide for herself but you shouldn't judge anyone who does before. I was a baby when I got my done and my daughter was a baby when she got hers done. my daughter didn't cry at all when she got them pierced because I made sure she was a sleep and they only get infected if they aren't properly cleaned and if you put fake earrings in your child's ears. I think it's rude when people pass judgements saying that it's gross how are earrings gross. all of the parents I know that have daughter's got them pierced early.I think it would be more painful if you waited because they can be distracted by them and wanting to touch them which can cause infection when they are  babies they won't even notice them.

  11. i believe you are right, the child should be able to choose if she wants earings or not. who knows, maybe in 20 years earings wont be in style anymore!

  12. I happen to agree with you. The baby has no choice and they are her ears afterall. We wouldn't let some pierce us without permission! Plus, there's always the risk of infection or them pulling the earrings out, which is not only dangerous, but extremely painful. I think parents should wait until the child is old enough to ask for them and take care of them properly.

  13. it doesnt hurt at all, but i would wait untill your child is a few years old. i got my ears peirced when i was 3.  i remeber that it didnt hurt, but the loud noise it makes scared me and i almost wouldnt let them peirce the other ear.

  14. This is an interesting question to me, because my parents would not let me have my ears pierced until I was 18 for religious reasons. (They would prefer it if I didn't have it done at all, but once I was 18, they couldn't do anything about it.)

    As a kid, I always felt like the weird kid, who's fanatical parents wouldn't let me have my ears pierced. I thought, "they're my ears, I should be able to have them pierced if I want."

    So I personally would have preferred it if my ears had been pierced when I was a baby.

    But, for other kids, and for my own kids, I think it's better to wait till they're old enough to ask for piercings.

    It's true that it's less painful for a little kid, and that they forget about it right away. But I think that it is quite horrible to have someone else make that decision for you, with no regard for the way you feel about it.

  15. I wanted to pierce my daughters ears shortly after she was born, but things kept coming up like either we didnt have the money or she got sick. So it didnt happen until she was 11 months old. No matter how the child is when she gets her ears pierced it will hurt. However the sooner as a baby she is when you have it done the less she will remember the pain. If you wait til she is like say 12, then she will always remember that pain. But if you do it when she is like 6 weeks old she will forget by the next day.

  16. I wouldn't do it as when I got my ears pierced i was 13 and it was a big deal! We made a day of it, and I can remember it, it was fun.

    Plus, some people decide not to pierce their ears, as they just don't want to. Piercing ears as a baby takes that choice away.

  17. I think it's gross. I think if somebody wants their ears pierced they will ask for it themselves which a six month old is NOT capable of. So sad.

  18. Piercing babies' ears is for the parents, not the baby.  Kudos on such a level headed decision.

  19. It's not wrong or right.  I decided not to get my daughter's ears pierced.  She asked for them to be pierced when she was 4.  I took her, she didn't care for the pain, but she got both of them done with no problems.  She remembers that it hurt a little bit.  But now, she doesn't wear any earrings.  She is into a lot of sports and she can't wear them while she is playing.

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