I have taken some heat lately for listening to the "angry adoptees" on this site, and "assuming" that this is what all adoptees "end up like". I don't see how it hurts to acknowledge the pain that an adoptee feels, nor do I see how it hurts to believe that all adoptees experience separation from their biological family (HOWEVER they experience it...it is a fact of an adoptee's life). I don't see myself as making assumptions that "every" adoptee will experience adoption the same way, nor do I think that their "adoption experience" has anything to do with the feelings they have. In other words, I don't think I can love away my kids' pain, or that if I just hold them long enough it will go away. What my children experience is valid, no matter what it is, and it is not based on me (but I will be causing a certain amount of pain by adopting...it's yet another change they will have to go through in their short lives.). How is that wrong? How SHOULD I approach my pending adoption?