
Is it wrong to post picture I did not take on my flickr??

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Is it alright if I took a picture from the internet like of a celeb and posted it on my flickr without permission if I clearly said that I did not take this picture and linked it back to the original website??

I am wondering because its just easier to upload pictures that I like onto my flickr so when I want them for something I can just find them on my flickr instead of having to find the website they came from!! Thanks!!




  1. black is black, red is red, stealing is stealing


  2. Technically, that WOULD be copyright infringement, since the whole point of copyrights is that the owner retains the right of control.  If you put the image up on a website, that is a form of publishing, even if you don't ever intend to make any money off of it.

    Citing your source is NOT the same as getting permission.  Suppose the copyright owner didn't WANT the image posted anywhere exept the site you pulled it from?  What gives you the right to "steal" it and use it?

    I no longer give my online portfolio url to anyone except serious potential clients, becase I began to see my images, taken from an early website being used on a few other sites.  Some did give me credit for the images, but I don't want my hard earned labors being used for any purposes other than those for which I intend.

    Do you get the point?

    For more info, here is the official US government copyright office website:

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