
Is it wrong to punch a women in the face?

by Guest58170  |  earlier

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If she is attacking you with a knife?




  1. well its only wrong if you are a man

  2. No--- People With Knives And Sombreros Are Light On Their Feet-Like Nursery Rhymes-Know Very Little

  3. To defend yourself from physical violent attack you are expected to use minimum physical force to stop the attack.  

    I'd say that, if you can grab her and take the knife from her, then punching her would not be considered minimum necessary force and you could end up charged with aggrivated assault.

  4. ehh... if you were wearing shoes you might consider kicking the knife from her hands or something..

  5. The pearly gates is jam packed full of people who fought fair.  Make a decision.

  6. Sure, its better to hurt the women then have yourself killed.

  7. It is dangerous to face with someone who have the knife..

    I recommend that you had better run away from her.

  8. i dont think its wrong , it would be complete self defense .

  9. Normally if a women is hitting you you shouldnt hit back but once weapons are involved it is a whole new situation and you have to protect yourself.

  10. no

  11. it is wrong for any man to hit a woman with the exception of protecting yourself from bodily harm!!!

  12. It's NEVER good to punch a woman in the face or anywhere else.  However, if your life is in danger,  (and I would certainly say a knife constitutes danger since it's usually in a small place, like the kitchen)  then you do what you must.  

    In some ways a knife is more dangerous than a gun.  I would not ever want to hit a woman but I would not allow myself to be attacked by knife if I can prevent it.

  13. I am vehemently against any type of violence against's actually my biggest peeve.  BUT, if your life is in danger, that's another situation...if my life was in danger, I would probably do whatever was necessary to disarm my attacker, man or woman.

  14. If she is attacking you with a knife, shooting her might be more effective.

  15. There are so many other ways to disarm someone with a knife. . .I'm not sure I'd be aiming for the face.  Be smart. . . .kick a knee, kick in the gut. . .anything to keep her away from you.  Punches don't disarm the way knives do, remember that.  

    In self defense, ALL techniques are acceptable.  That is, they're acceptable until the threat is gone (the knife is gone, the attacker is down).  It's what happens next that goes towards brutality.  People too often want to get revenge by kicking a down person, using the knife on them, choking unconscious. . . totally unnecessary.  Disarm her and get away.  Period.

  16. If she's attacking you with a knife then, NO! You had to defend yourself.

    She could have killed you and you have a right to live!

    BUT, If you started attacking her first (not saying that you did) BUT IF YOU DID then she was using self defence.

    It all ends up on how you played your cards.

  17. No because its just self defense .. if you did she would be the one that would be put in jail .. you might get a fine at the worse .. but i doubt anything else.

  18. This is self defense.  You're always going to have some idiot tell you it's wrong to hit a woman no matter what.  I guess they'd rather you get stabbed.  But their intelligence is highly suspect.  Personally, I think you could legally kill her in that instance, because a knife is a deadly weapon.  I'm not saying that's the way to go, but if you have to do it, then do it.  The law would certainly allow for her to do it to you.

    Be careful in this situation though.  The law doesn't look kindly on men who hit a woman even in self defense, and there's a chance she could turn it against you, especially if there are no witnesses.  Hopefully you'll never have to worry about it.

  19. I think you should talk with her before someone dies and in that way solve your problem. Like people say: ¨You can´t hit a woman, not even with petal of a flower.

  20. Women are not supposed to be treated with physical violence.If she is wielding a knife attacking you I don't see any reason why it would be wrong to punch her in the face. You can't parry an attack with a knife with your bare hands unless yours are made of steel.

  21. unless she is your wife NO

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