
Is it wrong to put my 3yr old in a private school for Preschool and then public school for K and on?

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Every public school in my area does not offer a preschool program. I found a private school who does have preschool for 3 yr olds which I think is PERFECT for my little one. I am very excited but I feel that If I start him in PRIVATE school, Should I leave him in private school for the rest of his school years? I would love to, But I am always scared to not be able to afford it later in life and then CHANGE him to another school (a public school). I want to avoid that by putting him in Preschool in this private school, and after preschool putting him in the Public school I went to as a child. I love the public school I want to put him in later but they don't have a preschool. Is it ok to have my son go to this preschool at this private school and then start Kindergarten and ON at a Public school? I don't see any harm but please let me know what you think.




  1. That's how lots of people do it, that's how my parents did it and I'm doing much better now.

  2. As I recall, most preschools tend to be run privately since most public school systems don't have the resources for publicly-offered preschools.  I went to private preschool and then public for K-12 and it worked out fine.  The differences between private and public schools only start becoming noticeable after about 3rd grade anyway (maybe sooner depending on your state's standardized testing formats for public schools).

  3. the only preschool we have in our area is a developmental preschool involved with the public school - and then my preschool which is a privately owned preschool.  So, no, there is no harm in putting your child in a private preschool now and public elementary and high school later -it's the perfect solution.

  4. We don't have a public preschool program in our city unless the child is considered "at-risk". My daughter has been going to a private preschool offered by a neighborhood church. My daughter has really blossomed here in the 2 years she has attended.

    My daughter's birthday is after the public school's cut off date so we have had to find another private school that will take her into their kindergarten program. She will go into public school the year after she finishes the kindergarten program.

    I feel the same way that you do. I feel a little guilty for getting her into the private school knowing she will only be there for a year, but the school only charges you a year at a time and doesn't ask you to keep your child there until they graduate so I don't feel so bad. The bad thing for me is I will have to do this again for my son who is also born after the cut off date. That's what we get for having two babies in October!

  5. I think your son will handle the transition from private to public just fine.  I doubt he'll notice much of a difference.  Really most preschools are "private" in a sense.  :-)

  6. no i don't think it is need to experence school at a somewhat early age.thay need to get get used to being around kids.

  7. You are his parent. Whatever you think is best will be the best.

    Personally though, I would go for a private preschool. My children have been in public preschools, and they can be horrible places to send your child. Just think of all the lice, scabies and other things they pick up from those places. At least in a private school you will have more control over who your child is around.

    As far as switching schools... he may build attachments to friends, so keeping him in the same school would be a good idea, however, kids make friends easily, so I dont think it would be that traumatic.

    It's good to see somebody putting more thought into their childs education.

  8. You need to remember:  YOU are paying them, they aren't giving you anything free.  

    Preschool is a wonderful time for your child to learn to like school.  Put your child where you feel comfortable, especially for preschool.  In our area, only at risk children get into public preschool.  If something happens later and the public school doesn't work out, you will have the private sector to fall back on.

    As for the head lice and controlling who your children are around:  head lice do NOT check out your credit score before attacking, and in private school you don't have as many people to choose from to let your children hang out with.  I graduated from a private Christian school and I learned more about s*x, drinking and drugs there than I ever knew about in public schools.

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