
Is it wrong to refuse medication?

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I have had the best results from a natural approach with a good diet and lots of exercise. I don't want to put these antipsychotic or antidepressants in my body until somebody can prove to me that I have a chemical imbalance. is that so wrong? I have mood swings and I suffered psychotic break after taking seroquel for the first time. I can't buy into al this drugging and I don't trust the pharmacutecal companies one bit. Why doesn't anyone want to treat me?




  1. i very much agree with you and your natural treatment has natural treatments that confirm with their success stories where many got better without all the drugs

    i have read many stories that say there is no confirmation stating

    that the drugs actually help

    but there are stories that natural treatments helped some become

    free of symptoms and feeling well and functioning well

    all the best and keep up the good work

    also there is a very good book which probably not only about kids 'please do not label my child' where it states how many are misdiagnosed, etc.

  2. It seems that all US doctors are required to prescribe drugs for every problem and when side effects occur, we get to take more drugs. Our bodies don't know how to handle these drugs and they only address the symptoms but not the cause.

    I have been fortunate to have the advice of an old Chinese doctor I met in Beijing who has returned me to good health without drugs or doctors and I am 80yrs old.

    He told me about an old East Indian treatment for nerves and a good nights sleep using Sesame Seed Oil. It also extracts toxins from the body and if you would like the details on how to use it, just email me and I will send the file.

  3. I agree with you.  My doctor prefers the holistic route.  My old doctor had me on five different meds and my life sucked.  My current doctor got me off all but one and stuck me on a different diet.  Now life doesn't suck.

    Go to an endocrinologist and see if your problem isn't hormonal.  Then go to holistic doctors.

  4. OK, I will level with you.

    I don't like how it's 'in' to get everyone on antidepressants either.

    I was prescribed them, when I was depressed, and I opted for the best alternative in my situation - exercise, which really helped.

    - BUT -

    There is a point, at which the 'natural' remedies are not going to do anything.

    And if you are over that threshold, then it's a good idea to try these. You can always quit, right?

    The pharmaceutical companies are not 'out to get you' or whatever, these people/companies have saved MILLIONS OF LIVES over the last century, so stop with the conspiracy theory stuff.

    It's not helpful - it's just the marketing propaganda the 'alternative medicine' companies use to sell their mostly useless products.

    So try to be rational. You can ALWAYS just stop taking one.

    But if TEMPORARILY taking some of these gets you to a healthy state of mind, then I see nothing wrong with taking that approach.

    Just do some other things at the same time.

    Good luck.

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