
Is it wrong to say a child doesn't exist because its not born?

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I'm almost 21 weeks pregnant and the father of my child said i need to stop telling him to help me out with the costs (for things we need) for an unborn child that doesn't exist.... am i wrong for being hurt and upset that he said this?




  1. no

  2. Take away his XBOX and make him grow up!!!!!!

  3. No you are not wrong, he is though. Once the sperm hits the egg a person is created. Also you cant realistically go out after the baby is born an buy the things you need. I would be imposable to go out and get clothes a crib and everything else you need. Not to mention put a crib together. Be careful, if he is not willing to help support and unborn child, he probably won't support one that has been born. Good luck.

  4. Anyone who ever looked at a baby in a pregnancy ultrasound and watched its legs and arms kick and wave cannot deny that a baby truly exists.

  5. Sounds like you've got a real winnner there as the father to your child.

    You are right and he is an idiot.

  6. That baby exists the day it landed in that egg I don't want to hear that c**p! just because its inside of you doesn't mean it doesn't exist its there ! the test was positive!  

  7. What a jerk, you are growing another life in your body,And its his, and he wont get you things that will help the baby! I would be hurt and upset too! Tell him it may not be born yet, but the things that happen now, prenatal care and such def. affect the baby when it is born.

  8. Of course you should be hurt, because of course the baby already exists.  It's just in a place where all it's needs are being met by your body.

    However, from a legal perspective, your (ex?) husband is right.  You can't ask for child support for a child that hasn't been born.

    If he's not your ex... then I don't understand what his fuss is.  From a practical stand point, you can't wait until after the baby is born to get at least some of the things needed to prepare for parent-hood.

  9. no, you're not wrong.

    guys are so ignorant does exist and it'll be here before he knows it so he'd better start helping.

  10. I would be hurt too. You have every right to feel that way. There are a lot of things you need before the baby is born and they are costly. He sounds like an immature jerk.

    I had to raise my first daughter on my own and I paid for everything. it is hard, but can be done. If you have some close friends and family, maybe you could ask them for help. If he doesn't want to help, he probably will never do it. That has been my experience anyways. Now I am married and my husband provides for my oldest. Keep your head up, things will turn around. good luck!!!

  11. the baby still exist, it just in your tummy.

  12. u r not wrong.

    im only 13 but i understand what ur sayng completely. ur hubby shud not be calling him/her an unborn baby. because it is a living human if its growing inside u, u know?? he is wrong, and it sounds like he has a bad attitude. hopefully he changes by the time u actually have the baby, he probly will when he sees the beautiful little person u both have created :)  

    maybe u shud try talking to him, having a calm and rational conversation about the whole problem. tell him how u feel, and theres nothing wrong with being prepared for costs and such... u shud be.

    good luck and i hope this helps:)

    i hope ur baby will b a happy, healthy one:)

  13. He apparently thinks that since the baby isn't out yet, then he shouldn't have to pay for it.  Maybe he is hoping something will happen to it.  Who knows?

    But technically, doesn't life begin when the heart starts beating?  So, aren't wrong to think that he should help you with medical expenses.  If he thinks he is responsible enough to get in bed with a woman, he should be responsible for whatever may come of it.

  14. No.  Everyone views this differently.  Some believe life starts at conception, some believe when the heart beats (when the fetus is 4 weeks old), and some believe when the baby first breathes air when its born.  I honestly believe life begins at conception and I would be terribly hurt if anyone said that my baby didn't exist.  It can feel pain by about 20 weeks.  It can eat and move and just because it is depending on me to survive for the first 40 weeks of its life doesn't mean he/she doesn't exist!  

  15. No, you're not wrong. That child certainly DOES exist. The baby may not be visible to him but you can feel him/her and he/she does have a heart beat. Sounds like a lousy excuse to not help out.

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